Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] on the grounds " in BNC.

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1 In the end , de Gaulle could only secure peace at the expense of a series of humiliating concessions to the FLN — concessions which could be justified only on the grounds that they averted the yet higher costs of not making them .
2 This means that a management policy that is injurious to employee interests can be attacked only on the grounds that the directors lacked good faith , meaning that the directors did not honestly believe that the policy constitutes an appropriate balancing of interests , or that they have altogether disregarded the impact of their decision on the employees .
3 A difficulty in interpreting laterality reaction time data according to a fixed anatomical model is that shorter response latencies for uncrossed as compared with crossed reactions would be expected simply on the grounds of stimulus-response ( S-R ) compatibility .
4 To some extent a loss of conditioned responding is to be expected purely on the grounds that conditioning tends to be context-specific .
5 If the Letter of Request complies with the Convention , its execution may be refused only on the grounds set out in Article 12 , and only to the extent that it is objectionable on those grounds .
6 When the appellant received notice of the order , he applied for the order to be set aside on the grounds that he had no notice of the proceedings and had nothing to do with it .
7 The defendants successfully applied to the English court for this service to be set aside on the grounds that personal service by the agent of a foreign litigant without the approval of the Swiss authorities was a criminal offence under the Swiss Penal Code and could not be regarded as valid service , as no English court could authorise service which was contrary to the internal law of the country in which service was to be effected .
8 Secondly , although the doctrine of frustration applies to agreements for lease , it would be only in quite exceptional circumstances where an agreement would be set aside on the grounds of frustration and it is suggested that the parties should provide in the agreement for either party to rescind the agreement in the event of substantial damage to the premises or the site prior to completion .
9 This is an important shift away from the concept that a firm is competent to carry out investment business and may be authorised solely on the grounds that its partners have at some time qualified as chartered accountants .
10 An agreement on a method for choosing between perfectionist principles can not be ruled out on the grounds that the methods of evaluating different ideals are themselves subject to evaluative controversy .
11 It may be rejected also on the grounds that it is patronizing .
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