Example sentences of "was [adv] such [art] bad [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , Kaptan was not such a bad boy .
2 This was not such a bad thing at this stage .
3 Their minds were obviously not on meteorological work , and as the squadron gradually decreased in numbers with each little batch that left for home , farewell parties were a regular occurrence in the office and I began to think that perhaps Binbrook was not such a bad place after all .
4 But , of course , the devil finds work for idle hands , and they began thieving , acquiring all manner of things but particularly musical equipment When they realised it was mostly too hot to sell they thought maybe it was n't such a bad idea to learn how to play the stuff they had thieved .
5 It was n't such a bad idea , even though Spurs are one of the truly great clubs and Venables one of the brightest bosses .
6 Perhaps working in a place like this was n't such a bad idea after all .
7 Which was n't such a bad idea , she realised , and moved from the door .
8 ‘ Er — just the one night , I think , ’ she replied , having hoped not to stay even that long but suddenly realising that , since she needed some kind of base where she could go to collect her thoughts , that perhaps to have a room where she could relax and think in private was n't such a bad idea after all .
9 Maybe Vanessa Vail was n't such a bad fantasy after all : she might die , but at least she was her own woman .
10 Maybe Woolwich was n't such a bad place after all .
11 ‘ I more or less had to prise it out of him , but in the end he decided I was n't such a bad risk , after all . ’
12 Talbot saw no point in mentioning that the Ariadne had never carried out a hydrographic exercise in its life and that the ship had been called Ariadne to remind the Greeks that it was a multi-national vessel and to persuade a wavering Greek government that perhaps NATO was n't such a bad thing after all .
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