Example sentences of "was [verb] [prep] [noun prp] on sept. " in BNC.

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1 The Minister of Culture , Nikolai Gubenko , who resigned in protest against the coup on Aug. 20 , was reappointed by Gorbachev on Sept. 7 .
2 A curfew was imposed in Ayacucho on Sept. 20 .
3 The resignation of Silayev as RSFSR Prime Minister was accepted by Yeltsin on Sept. 27 .
4 Helmut Voigt , a former officer of the East German state security police ( Stasi ) , was sentenced in Athens on Sept. 10 to 10 months ' imprisonment for entering the country on a false passport .
5 Diplomatic negotiations to end the hostage crisis , launched in August by UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar [ see p. 38405 ] , achieved some successes with the Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army ( SLA ) releasing 51 Arab prisoners on Sept. 11 ; the body of a kidnapped Israeli serviceman was returned on the same day , and British hostage Jackie Mann was freed in Beirut on Sept. 24 .
6 The Bazin government 's Foreign Minister , Francois Benoit , was invited to Washington on Sept. 1-4 to participate in OAS-mediated talks with Aristide 's representative , Fr Antoine Adrien [ for August OAS initiative see p. 39046 ] .
7 The report was also highly critical of the LTTE for the summary killing of Sinhalese , of Moslems and of Tamils suspected of " treason " , and for the massacre of a large number of police taken prisoner in June 1990 [ see pp. 37529-30 ] ; a mass grave containing the corpses of 35 police was found near Batticaloa on Sept. 9 , the third such discovery in recent weeks .
8 The EC and Japan on July 18 each proposed separate formulas for the reduction of tariffs across the board ; a new broad and systematic approach was proposed by Canada on Sept. 27 .
9 Klaus Croissant , a former defence lawyer for Red Army Faction ( RAF ) members , was arrested in Berlin on Sept. 14 on charges of providing the Stasi with political information between 1981 and 1987 .
10 The prosecution finally dropped its charges when Robert McFarlane , National Security Adviser in 1983-85 and thus North 's superior , who was brought before Gesell on Sept. 11 as a test case to decide whether proceedings should continue , declared that North 's congressional testimony had a " very powerful impact " on him and " coloured " evidence that he gave at the original trial .
11 A United States-Soviet agreement discontinuing " weapons deliveries to all Afghan sides " by Jan. 1 , 1992 , was announced in Moscow on Sept. 13 by the Soviet Foreign Minister , Boris Pankin , and the US Secretary of State , James Baker .
12 It was announced in Bucharest on Sept. 30 that a US$300,000,000 World Bank loan to Romania had been postponed because of the miners ' riots .
13 Massoud Hendi , an Iranian businessman , was charged in Paris on Sept. 21 with complicity in the murder there on Aug. 6 of former Iranian Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar [ see p. 38409 ] .
14 A Convention on Marine Pollution , aimed at controlling the dumping of waste into the Atlantic Ocean , was signed in Paris on Sept. 22 by 13 European countries .
15 The bill was signed by Bush on Sept. 23 and then approved by the courts to allow Morgan 's release .
16 After a second incident on Sept. 21 when depth charges were fired at an intruder in the Stockholm archipelago , Bildt claimed on Sept. 22 that Russian submarines had violated Sweden 's territorial waters and had been pursued , but this was denied by Russia on Sept. 23 .
17 The " clarification " followed a statement by Maurizio Zifferero , deputy Director-General of the IAEA and leader of the 14th nuclear inspection team [ for 13th nuclear inspection team see p. 39026 ] , who was quoted in Baghdad on Sept. 2 as saying that Iraq 's nuclear programme stood at " zero " following repeated UN inspections and allied bombing during the Gulf war .
18 The second conference on least developed countries ( LDCs ) organized by the UN Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) was held in Paris on Sept. 3-14 [ for first conference in Paris in 1981 see pp. 31352-53 ] .
19 The first interparliamentary assembly of CIS member states was held in Bishkek on Sept. 16 .
20 A meeting of the International Coffee Council was held in London on Sept. 27 , but ended by voting only to renew the International Coffee Agreement for a further 12 months without either an export quota system ( suspended in July 1989 — see p. 36836 ) or price support mechanisms .
21 The eighth Premiers ' meeting between North and South Korea was held in Pyongyang on Sept. 16-17 .
22 The second , inconclusive , round of talks on the withdrawal from Moldova of the Russian 14th Army was held in Kishinev on Sept. 16-17 , but Dnestr representatives and the military were excluded from the negotiations .
23 The 56th biannual summit between the heads of state and government of France and West Germany was held in Munich on Sept. 17-18 .
24 A meeting of 120 " anti-imperialist " representatives of Arab political parties and organizations was held in Amman on Sept. 15-17 .
25 The 11th Asian Games was held in Beijing on Sept. 22-Oct. 7 , the first time China had hosted an international sporting event of this size .
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