Example sentences of "is generally [verb] by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Medium shots come between these two extremes , and the length of their stay is generally decided by the action ; the shot is held for as long as something interesting is going on or being said .
2 It highlights the difficult position that the professional frequently faces in cases of library censorship because even if the employer does not initiate the censorship , the censorship is generally ratified by the employer .
3 The structure of a commercial paper programme is generally determined by the type of credit support , if any , on the programme .
4 It is not the case that the legitimate power of authorities is generally limited by the condition that it is defeated by significant mistakes which are not clear .
5 Promotion , however , tends to be slow , since it is generally governed by the principle of ‘ Buggins 's turn ’ ; one reaches the top or near-top only at about the age of 55 , when one is not far off retirement .
6 Energy analysis of electrons is equivalent to velocity analysis , and is generally done by the application of a controlled electrostatic field which deflects electrons with a particular velocity into the detector .
7 In the absence of any agreement to the contrary , a deposit is generally forfeited by the buyer if the sale falls through because of his fault .
8 Much of the writing on family law lacks any stated theoretical position , although it is generally underpinned by a welfare approach .
9 The CD market at this maturity is generally driven by the interest rate swap market with , in particular , banks issuing fixed rate in order to obtain LIBOR-related funding .
10 The car is generally occupied by an idiot or two gazing strictly ahead either with expressions that lead you to think that they are convinced they are doing everyone else a favour , or that they are only sitting down because they have insufficient brain to walk and chew gum at the same time .
11 This belief is generally accompanied by the assertion that the Vichy régime was an aberration in French history that finds no roots in the past and no repercussions in the present .
12 ‘ Appropriates ’ is generally proved by a witness stating that the accused picked the property up or put it in a shopping bag or a pocket .
13 ‘ did use ( or cause , or permit … to use ) ’ 'Use' is generally proved by the observation of the police officer to the effect ‘ I stopped the motor vehicle … which was being driven in Queens Street and spoke to the driver …
14 It is generally agreed by the plethora of studies made of the phenomenon that : ( a ) they have been rapidly growing ; ( b ) they are most common in Europe ( see Table 7.4 ) ; ( c ) they are strongly related to the upper income bracket ( Bielckus et al , 1972 ) ; ( d ) they are concentrated in the more scenically attractive areas , and within these a contagious process can lead to further concentration ( Thissen , 1978 ) ; ( e ) they tend to form a further ripple of urbanization beyond the immediate commuter belt of big cities ( Boyer , 1980 ) ; and ( f ) they are also relatively and increasingly absolutely important in upland and mountainous areas ( Cribier , 1973 ) .
15 For a judge at the European Court , the answer to this problem is generally provided by the use of computers .
16 The libcrypt library is available as a feature which encompasses the full function Data Encryption Standard and is generally controlled by the US State Department , which means that if you do n't speak convincing American , you ca n't have it .
17 Bark loss is generally repaired by the formation of new bark , the inevitable result of secondary thickening in dicotyledons as the phloem dies .
18 This fact is generally obscured by the appearance of simplicity and tidiness imposed by the classification of the existing languages of the USSR , since , out of its approximately 105 recognized native languages , only about twenty-nine , belonging to eleven families , are indigenous to Siberia .
19 When you are in pain , movement is generally inhibited by the body 's reflex mechanism .
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