Example sentences of "is necessary [verb] that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To understand them it is necessary to recollect that the period immediately after the publication of Morgenthau 's book was one in which a new behaviourist wave of thinking about the social sciences was sweeping the US academic community .
2 3.1 Scope : activities restrained In order to demonstrate that a particular provision is reasonable between the parties it is necessary to demonstrate that the scope of those activities is reasonably referable to a legitimate interest , although it is not necessary to have absolute consistency between the restraint and the relevant interest .
3 Since we want to address the question of involvement of cysteine residue *177 of the enzyme in the molecular mechanism of methyltransfer catalysis , it is necessary to demonstrate that the loss of catalytic activity of the Cys177Ser mutant is not due to a folding defect .
4 It is necessary to remember that the speed with which an asset can be turned into cash is not a sufficient characteristic of an asset to make it liquid .
5 In order to accept that the data from speech errors are contrary to the Full Listing Hypothesis , it is necessary to show that the fate of inflections is different from that of other word-final fragments .
6 Where there is a non-pecuniary interest it is not necessary to establish actual bias but it is necessary to show that the decision has given the appearance of bias .
7 To take the example given earlier , it is necessary to show that the statement about the toothache can indeed be paraphrased into a statement about the corresponding neuro-physiological event ( and hence that the occurrence of the latter event is a logically adequate criterion for ascribing the experience in the given instance ) , and this can not be done without making use of the premisses which such a proof might be expected to underpin .
8 Of course , it is necessary to assume that the questions , however they are phrased , are understood in the same way by all respondents whatever differences they may have in other respects , such as level of education or gender .
9 Randomness , which again is something that has a precise meaning in this context and certainly not equivalent to " take anyone that comes along " , is necessary to ensure that the estimate of the population value is unbiased .
10 Alternatively , if in exercise of their supervisory duty under s.9(1) the disposal authority form the opinion that modification of the licence conditions is necessary to ensure that the disposal operation does not cause pollution to water or danger to public health , or become seriously detrimental to the amenities of the locality then s.7(1) ( b ) imposes a further duty on them , i.e. the disposal authority SHALL serve a notice on the company modifying the conditions .
11 Different viewpoints lead to different models which , in turn require different measures of performance , and it is necessary to ensure that the model used as the basis for the audit is one that reflects the organisation 's needs in relation to the procedure .
12 It is necessary to ensure that the access arrangements complement what your strategy is trying to achieve .
13 This usually means they have slow speed and concomitantly long exposure times , so it is necessary to ensure that the microscope is free from vibration , best done by working on a stone or concrete optical bench .
14 At this point it is necessary to know that the UK bank will have a US$ account with their ‘ correspondent ’ bank in the US .
15 It is necessary to establish that the effects of TPA on the cyclic AMP content of HGT-1 cells were mediated through activation of protein kinase C. The half maximally effective concentrations of TPA were in the low nanomolar region or below , which indicates specificity , as does the lack of effect of the inactive isomer 4α-TPA .
16 But it is necessary to establish that the words or behaviour in question fall within the terms of one or other ( or perhaps both ) of these epithets .
17 It is necessary to understand that the tightness in one set of muscles will invariably affect our whole body balance .
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