Example sentences of "is necessary [verb] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 To learn effectively it is necessary to grasp certain principles and rules , and these rules would be particular to individual academic disciplines .
2 Quite simply , I believe that it is necessary to seduce real jobs and real industry into West Belfast by whatever means .
3 In order to establish how police work is accomplished , therefore , it is necessary to examine such things as the common-sense notions ordinary policemen and women have about their role , what they consider to be the essence of police work , what typifications and categorizations infuse the practical reasoning they employ to accomplish policing tasks , and what ‘ recipes ’ or guide-lines they adopt in undertaking the various aspects of their job .
4 Having defined the goals and objectives for online training and education , it is necessary to choose suitable methods and media for implementation .
5 It is necessary to transcend these constraints if the interaction , in all its richness and fascination , is to be appreciated .
6 It is necessary to appreciate these facts if social policy is to be seen from a sociological perspective .
7 It is necessary to explore new objectives and the means of achieving them .
8 In a wide-ranging challenge to the opposition of multiculturalism to antiracism as an adequate framework for educational debate , Ali Rattansi argues that , in the wake of the Burnage Report , it is necessary to identify new priorities that undermine old certainties .
9 Now that ambulatory manometry has become available , it is necessary to identify these patterns if perfectly normal oesophageal migrating motor complex activity is not to be interpreted as a sign of oesophageal motility disorders or as a cause of oesophageal chest pain .
10 Allowing the taxpayers ' appeal , Lord Justice Browne-Wilkinson held that in construing a piece of legislation , reference to Parliamentary materials , subject to any question of Parliamentary privilege , is permissible where three criteria are met : the legislation is ambiguous or obscure , or leads to an absurdity ; the material relied on consists of one or more statements by a minister or other promoter of the Bill , together if necessary with such other Parliamentary material as is necessary to understand such statements and their effect ; the statements relied on are clear .
11 I therefore reach the conclusion , subject to any question of Parliamentary privilege , that the exclusionary rule should be relaxed so as to permit reference to Parliamentary materials where ( a ) legislation is ambiguous or obscure , or leads to an absurdity ; ( b ) the material relied upon consists of one or more statements by a minister or other promoter of the Bill together if necessary with such other Parliamentary material as is necessary to understand such statements and their effect ; ( c ) the statements relied upon are clear .
12 ‘ permit reference to parliamentary materials where ( a ) legislation is ambiguous or obscure , or leads to an absurdity ; ( b ) the material relied upon consists of one or more statements by a minister or other promoter of the Bill together if necessary with such other parliamentary material as is necessary to understand such statements and their effect ; ( c ) the statements relied upon are clear . ’
13 The second element of the formulation by Lord Browne-Wilkinson of the relaxed exclusionary rule is that ‘ the material relied upon consists of one or more statements by a minister or other promoter of the Bill together if necessary with such other parliamentary material as is necessary to understand such statements and their effect ’ .
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