Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [prep] a particular [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The loose bundle of phenomena , including such disparate occurrences as unruly behaviour of large crowds at sporting events , destruction of or damage to public property by juveniles , disturbing trends in crime statistics and overcrowding in prisons , is frequently referred to as the problem of ‘ law and order ’ and by that designation is placed within a particular set of priorities and linked generalisations about the proper structure of society , typically one in which the respect for law and the maintenance of public order have a particularly high value .
2 However , the specialist team is distinguished by a particular approach , featuring high throughput of cases , and it has to be uncertain at this stage whether this is a consequence of its specialism or of an underlying distinction in the conception of social work that it may represent — what we have called a ‘ deep ’ structure .
3 Thus a practice is distinguished by a particular mode of production , adapted to its own kind of product .
4 Section 11(2) states : [ i ] t is immaterial … that the public access to a building is limited to a particular period or particular occasion , but where anything removed from a building or its grounds is there otherwise than as forming part of , or being on loan for exhibition with , a collection intended for permanent exhibition to the public , the person removing it does not thereby commit an offence under this section unless he removes it on a day when the public have access to the building as mentioned in sub-section ( 1 ) above .
5 But the general point remains that it is to it is targeted towards a particular sector of the workforce .
6 The value of A 2 will tell us whether or not the size of the polymer coil , which is dissolved in a particular solvent , will be perturbed or expanded over that of the unperturbed state , but the extent of this expansion is best estimated by calculating the expansion factor α .
7 In a seminar last week at CERN , Rubbia presented five events , or collisions , in which the particles that emerge are consistent with what is expected for a particular mode of decay of the particle .
8 Each type of interview is designed with a particular research task in mind .
9 Event-related potentials , as the term implies , refers to the changes brought about when a subject is presented with a particular stimulus .
10 This will be based upon legitimacy , i.e. that which is accepted within a particular society as conferring the right to rule .
11 It is also illegal for manufacturers to give their product a misleading name , or to claim that it is made of a particular ingredient which in fact makes up a very small proportion of the product .
12 Each enzyme is made by a particular gene .
13 Since there appear to be no consequences in judicial practice if the label constitutional is applied to a particular law , it is in the end no more than a convenient way for textbook writers to organise their material , just as they produce books on industrial law or commercial law .
14 Social benefits are not solely restricted to cash returns but include any favourable effects that may affect members of the community at large ; for example , the time saved in travelling because a hospital is sited at a particular location .
15 This is very similar to the way a cassette is searched for a particular file .
16 If we assume that the marketing concept is upheld in a particular organization , then the key objectives of its marketing department could be as follows :
17 It 's important that the calculation is done in a particular way , that it is managed and owned by the department .
18 However , the general precedents often contain little or no guidance about when to use a particular form , or why a particular term is drafted in a particular way ( although many firms ' own in-house precedents are accompanied by a commentary explaining the terms and offering suggestions for modifications ) .
19 It is rooted in a particular past , a past that was patriarchal .
20 Every picture of the broad purposes of a school 's plan is drawn from a particular viewpoint .
21 An arithmetical calculation is performed on a particular item ( in this case a word ) , thereby computing a function ( known as the hashing function ) which gives the location of the item ( and any associated data ) in a table — the hash table .
22 Sometimes the term has been applied to the linguistic habits of a particular writer ( " the style of Dickens , of Proust " , etc ) ; at other times it has been applied to the way language is used in a particular genre , period , school of writing , or some combination of these : " epistolary style " , " early eighteenth-century style " , " euphuistic style " , " the style of Victorian novels " , etc .
23 Within this " quantitative paradigm " ( see Romaine 1982 ) , it is assumed that variability is inherent in language and " variable rules " give the best account of the frequency with which one or other variant is used within a particular group .
24 Thus a state whose institutions appear to be newly absorbed or influenced by the partisan considerations of government is likely to suffer erosion of legitimacy whenever it is challenged on a particular point .
25 They recognise that the development of both state intervention and a corporatist system of interest representation go together , but they go on to suggest that this is tied into a particular period of capitalist development .
26 It is not Leavis 's goal to produce " national intellectuals " to serve as state missionaries , but rather a free.floating and critical educated class , membership of which is characterized by a particular kind of mental orientation : " It is an intelligence so trained that is best fitted to develop into the central kind of mind , the co-ordinating consciousness , capable of performing the function assigned to the class of the educate . "
27 Tilne — some organisations operate on a shift system so the structure is based around a particular shift .
28 We discover that the contrast is based upon a particular set of values which science is believed to embody , and which is apparently lacking in the humanities .
29 In a tribal village , in Africa say , a boy is born to a particular woman who , obeying the customs of her people , proceeds to rear him either under conditions of high sociability or relative isolation and according to a particular regime of toilet training and weaning .
30 But we may well have seen them without registering that fact ; perhaps a film is set in a particular location and we are so involved in the plot that the background scenery enters only our subconscious mind .
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