Example sentences of "is [adv] [verb] in relation [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once again the language is vital to the analysis , for the term ‘ juggling ’ is widely used in relation to detection rates and carries with it an understanding that what is happening belongs to a world where movement conceals as often as it reveals .
2 In the UK this practice is only permitted in relation to a Recommended offer .
3 Rather there is an essential assumption of that basic face-to-face conversational context in which all humans acquire language , or as Lyons ( 1977a : 637-8 ) has put it rather more precisely : The grammaticalization and lexicalization of deixis is best understood in relation to what may be termed the canonical situation of utterance : this involves one-one , or one-many , signalling in the phonic medium along the vocal-auditory channel , with all the participants present in the same actual situation able to see one another and to perceive the associated non-vocal paralinguistic features of their utterances , and each assuming the role of sender and receiver in turn There is much in the structure of languages that can only be explained on the assumption that they have developed for communication in face-to-face interaction .
4 It is always embedded in some social form , in conventions such as letter writing , charters , catechisms , business styles , academic ‘ texts ’ etc. , and it is always learnt in relation to these uses in specific social conditions .
5 The policy of gender neutrality is further pursued in relation to the proposed offence of procuring an act of gross indecency by threat which would be capable of commission by and against males as well as females .
6 Accessibility is difficult to define , but a place is clearly located in relation to systems of land usage , relationship to other places and methods of transport .
7 Using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies for developing immunoassays is also covered in relation to the development of radioimmunoassays ( RIAs ) and enzyme immunoassays ( EIAs ) , and assays for a number of different analytes such as trinitrotoluene and the avermectin family of macrocyclic lactones are covered in specific chapters .
8 Access is also discussed in relation to those who can not get to the library — the housebound and the institution-bound , those who have limited mobility , and those whose behaviour is ‘ unorthodox ’ in some way .
9 As Lyons says , the grammatical ‘ category of proximity is typically determined in relation to the category of person … .
10 It is perfectly placed in relation to the canal whose placid waters reflect the boldly modelled figure .
11 This issue is now discussed in relation to the topics given in List 1 of the National criteria for mathematics .
12 Sex is more like eating than breathing in this regard — and interestingly , the word " appetite " is often used in relation to both activities .
13 Joint working is particularly marked in relation to FHSAs , perhaps reflecting the importance many regions have given to this .
14 Such downgraded land will still have to be pumped and embanked , since it will have dropped even further below sea-level , a situation worsened both by the fact that , due to the tilt of the land , eastern England is steadily falling in relation to the level of the North Sea , and by a possible rise in sea-level due to the greenhouse effect .
15 Sexual selection emphasizing attraction of the opposite sex is commonly recorded in relation to the elaborate displays of polygamous birds .
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