Example sentences of "is [adv] [verb] [prep] terms [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Very unlikely if it is properly controlled in terms of deposition of materials on site then certainly at two miles I do n't believe there will be a problem .
2 It is most demanding in terms of irrelevant information — the information I think is irrelevant , all the extras — bits and pieces …
3 She is slowly coming to terms with her past and exorcising the ghosts .
4 The fact that she is basically thinking in terms of the resurrected , cosmic Christ again tends to minimize any distinction which there might be between a woman and Christ in regard to sex .
5 As with two-terminal networks , when the signals become sufficiently small , the response becomes linear and signal analysis is better conducted in terms of suitable small-signal parameters rather than graphically .
6 To the extent , for example , that it exists in local government in the United Kingdom ( and to that extent , it is better described in terms of ‘ caucus ’ rather than ‘ cabinet ’ ) it is a very recent historical phenomenon indeed .
7 Fortunately , ex-Prisoner James Taylor is aware of the problem and is finally coming to terms with it after five albums of patchy solo meanderings .
8 Fortunately , ex-Prisoner James Taylor is aware of the problem and is finally coming to terms with it after five albums of patchy solo meanderings .
9 The purpose is generally expressed in terms of the research questions , which have a key role in planning research ( see Lewis and Munn , 1987 ) .
10 The purpose is generally expressed in terms of research questions , which have a key role in planning research ( see & ) .
11 When they refer to other people , whether they are good or bad people is generally discussed in terms of their spirituality .
12 Each of these product classes is thus considered in terms of the effect of the differing combinations of variations in chemical formulation .
13 When two parties meet at ACAS and an agreement is reached it is normally expressed in terms of some contractual agreement which satisfies both sides .
14 I am merely concerned to point out that a clarification of particular-identity is normally given in terms of our experience with things in perceptual space and perpeptual time .
15 Primary prevention is normally understood in terms of universal needs and services : sufficient income , adequate housing , appropriate health care .
16 — It is not clear , though that the Review is best seen in terms of a " regression towards the traditional pattern that still held in English Studies " as Mulhern elsewhere suggests .
17 Much of the distinction between North and South since 1920 is best expressed in terms of the performance of individual sub-regions .
18 First , is the theory historically true in the sense that the phenomenon of imperialism is best explained in terms of the expansion of the world capitalist system ?
19 Thus prominence , like deviance , is best understood in terms of relative norms : the set of expectancies we have acquired as speakers , hearers , readers , and writers , varies from one kind of language situation to another .
20 The case for electoral reform is best discussed in terms of the question : what kind of political system do we want ?
21 This approach is best known in terms of the concept of consumption cleavages as proposed by Saunders ( 1984 , 1986 ) .
22 The microscopic behaviour of the mobile electrons is best described in terms of ‘ k -space ’ , which is an idea borrowed from crystallography ( Figure 3 ) .
23 For simplicity , this behavior is best described in terms of the characters Xv ; ( R ) of the vibration ( v ) with respect to each of the symmetry elements ( R ) .
24 The security market line is usually stated in terms of rates of return but , as discussed in Section 7.1 , the notion of a rate of return for futures has proved problematic .
25 This is usually expressed in terms of pushing an activity underground ( eg pornography ) or into the backstreets ( eg abortion ) or abroad ( eg experiments on embryos ) .
26 Welfare fraud is an ideologically emotional topic , because it is usually expressed in terms of aggregated amounts ( Uglow 1988b ) .
27 Instead , the theory is usually expressed in terms of changes in price levels in different countries , that is , in terms of differential inflation rates .
28 This is usually expressed in terms of their having replacement ratios of over 100 per cent .
29 Sixth , it is usually evaluated in terms of its ability to enhance an organization 's effectiveness and health as an organization rather than specific output criteria such as student achievement .
30 Level of skill is usually assessed in terms of extent of formal training although this is only one of the relevant factors : others include length of experience and degree of integration .
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