Example sentences of "a right [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However it is by no means self-evident that the latter is incapable of generating a right to participate in the policy-making process , at least where fundamental issues of policy are concerned .
2 Parents have a right to appeal to the Secretary of State when the LEA has decided , following the assessment , that it is not required to determine the special educational provision that should be made .
3 ‘ He has a month to hand in his resignation and he has a right to appeal to the Queen . ’
4 Has X got property rights over the goods entitling him to recover the goods ( or their value ) in priority to any other creditors of Y Ltd. , or , on the other hand , is he merely an unsecured creditor having only a right to sue for the price ?
5 The minority still have a right to object to the court but that opposition is usually known and dealt with before the bidder becomes committed to acquire any shares in the target .
6 He had , he claimed , been superseded in a promotion which he thought he had a right to expect from the Master of the Horse .
7 The service standards could have been just circulated internally , but making them public meant everyone would know what level of service they had a right to expect from the police .
8 If the plaintiff had no remedy by an appeal to the judges , he might , and probably would have , a right to apply to the Court of Queen 's Bench for a mandamus .
9 The Directive permitted a right to apply to the courts against decisions by the relevant national authorities without restricting the exercise of discretion by those authorities .
10 ( c ) Where a landowner licenses a person to use premises and the owner has a right to enter on the premises to do repairs , the owner retains control and is the occupier .
11 Last night Darlington Labour candidate Alan Milburn said : ‘ Trainees and the general public have a right to know about the success or failure of Government training schemes .
12 But , read the chapter this way or that , if there was ever a case for recognising that unions have a right to share in the management of companies , that case depended critically upon a general expectation — amounting to a near-certainty — that , rather than give primacy to their sectional interests , unions would and could act in the general interest whenever it was necessary or desirable for them to do so .
13 Indeed , it is totally within it to talk about the fact that the inspector has a right to comment on the quality of school buildings and its impact on education .
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