Example sentences of "a need [to-vb] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 He is consumed by the challenge of the world 's highest peaks , but this has been accompanied by a geographer 's fascination with visiting new places : a curiosity about the metaphysical undercurrents that accompany great risk ; a need to plumb the capabilities of mind and body and a corresponding empathy with mountain peoples who confront such tests in their everyday struggle with life .
2 The National Association of Head Teachers said : ’ There is undoubtedly a need to improve the regularity of formal school inspections , as well as a strong case for the provision of detailed information about schools to parents . ’
3 Secondly , there is a need to facilitate the finance of other objectives of economic policy such as fulfilling the objectives of the SEA , and act as a handmaiden to growth both inside and outside the EC .
4 This may be done formally , when there is a need to confirm the legitimacy of an agency 's authority ; or informally , when an agency has to respond to pressures from centres of power within the community .
5 Some theorists feel that the : is too imprecise and there is a need to state the nature of a relationship , not just to signal its existence .
6 And there is the factor that there is a need to diversify the economy of York generally erm and also erm to ensure that the new settlement has an employment component .
7 is n't there a risk that if we do n't keep a reasonable balance between employment and employment demand and employment supply in North Yorkshire , we shall finish up for different reasons with a need to regenerate the economy of Yorkshire , North Yorkshire ?
8 Thirdly , there was a need to upgrade the standard of adjudication with tribunals playing a ‘ more positive enabling role in relation to appellants ’ ( Bell et al. , 1974 ) .
9 Royal Society 's study group report on risk assessment is a tough read ; For example , ‘ At the administrative level , there is a need to acknowledge the validity of public perceptions , while at the same time purveying the fullest information on objective risk estimates , not least because these data form a major component of the public 's perceptions , ’ But it concentrates the mind and , of course , it deals with every activity of man .
10 Yet there is much that these two great historians have in common , and not only their sense of foreboding , their anxiety about the future , and a vision of past greatness ; they share , above all , a need to give the Christianity of their compatriots , Franks or English , roots in the Roman past .
11 ( It ) emphasises the interaction between the economy and the environment and , if sustainable principles are to be embraced , then there is a need to shift the balance of considerations much more in favour of the environment than hitherto .
12 There is a need to continue the restoration of self-confidence in the teaching profession and to raise morale .
13 Such a mechanism is particularly useful if there is a need to alter the kinds of proteins present to meet changing circumstances .
14 While supporting the practitioners ' role as proxy for the patient in purchasing , there is a need to recognise the limitations of this , and wherever possible we should be seeking the opinion of the public .
15 There is also a need to recognise the importance of the spoken word and its relationship to the musical parts of the service .
16 The CEOs ' answer is a reform of the US tort system — with particular emphasis on the need for proportionate liability a regulatory curb on unwarranted litigation , and a need to permit the incorporation of audit firms with limited liability .
17 In January , Lord Arran said that there was a need to solve the problems of improving sales and seeing where Government could help .
18 Cases like this indicate the general validity of the method , although there is still a need to establish the limits of its accuracy .
19 US Navy Commander David Carlson wrote a year after the episode , in the US Naval Institute 's Proceedings for September 1989 , that he ‘ wondered aloud in disbelief ’ as from his nearby vessel USS Sides he observed the Vincennes shoot down what was plainly a commercial airliner in a commercial corridor , perhaps out of ‘ a need to prove the visibility of Aegis ’ , the missile system abroad the Vincennes .
20 If there is a need to ascertain the race of the parents of the child then this can be done by describing each parent .
21 Therefore there is a need to balance the demands of in-service training for effective developments with restricted sources of time and money and this can cause difficulties .
22 There is a need to consider the range of possible models of human resource management ( HRM ) drawn from outside education .
23 As one male journalist writes ’ there is a need to consider the cohesion of African society in respect to this practice ’ .
24 ‘ I 'd telephoned you purely because I had a need to hear the sound of your voice and what do I get for giving in to such weakness ?
25 There was a need to raise the profile of the Bank within Scotland .
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