Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] the royal [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Plymouth is a base for the Royal Navy , making , repairing and servicing warships and training their crews .
2 In 1914 he enlisted in the Pembroke Yeomanry but two years later was seconded to Signals , then a branch of the Royal Engineers .
3 Syngman Rhee was born in 1875 into a branch of the royal family but one lacking in wealth .
4 I HAVE some good news for the Prince of Wales , who was most concerned about Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten , right , walking with a stick during the royal visit .
5 For as long as the war lasted , she would be a part of the Royal Navy and there could be no remembered yesterdays , no thoughts of tomorrow .
6 Apart from these two central institutions of the court , the Chamber and the Household-below-Stairs , there were several offices , known later as ‘ the standing offices ’ , which had once been a part of the royal Household and had now moved to its fringes .
7 Indeed , ‘ the weightiest , and most solemn part ’ of Sprat 's History is ‘ to make a defence of the Royal Society , and this new experimental learning , in respect of the Christian Faith ’ .
8 He served as a lieutenant in the Royal Field Artillery of the 51st Highland division in 1916–18 .
9 Following his father 's death in 1795 Henry was taken to Chichester before serving as a cadet in the Royal Corps of Military Surveyors and Draftsmen at the Tower of London .
10 A certificate from the Royal Hospital at Chelsea shows that Colour Sergeant Nicholl was placed on the list of Out-Pensioners on 23 June 1825 with a pension of 1s.10d. a day .
11 Tonight they are together at a banquet aboard the Royal Yacht Britannia to mark the EC summit .
12 On the last occasion , she was given a seat in the Royal Box .
13 Another very important contribution comes from a department of the Royal Aircraft Establishment ( RAE ) at Farnborough concerned with all aspects of metallurgy and materials .
14 As a result of the royal actions of the 1530s , the church 's institutions were weakened , much of its wealth was confiscated , and the right of the state to interfere in its affairs was dramatically extended .
15 Arazi was scheduled to try to put his flops in the Kentucky Derby and St James 's Palace Stakes behind him in a re-match with the Royal Ascot winner Brief Truce .
16 Jones had won a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London .
17 At sixteen , Edgar gained a scholarship to the Royal College of Music in 1941 .
18 By studying in the evenings at Burslem Art School , Emberton won a scholarship to the Royal College of Art in 1911 and worked for the London architects Trehearne & Norman , 1913–14 .
19 So I went in for a scholarship with the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts .
20 These , and articles in the Daily News on the housing of the poor ( later published as Horrible London ) led to his being called as a witness before the royal commission on housing in 1884 .
21 From time to time Mr Salmon used to read to me from his morning paper , but as he could never find a mention of the Royal Fusiliers I did n't discover what the old man was up to .
22 The sum may be reduced dramatically in future if a review of the Royal Family 's tax recommends Charles pays 40 per cent tax on his income .
23 Tyndall was a Professor at the Royal Institution , and an accomplished lecturer in that tradition , where arousing interest in a general audience was all-important , in contrast to academics training students , who thought of him as windy and superficial .
24 A submission to the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice on aspects of forensic evidence , prepared by the Ethical Practices Committee , was approved on behalf of the Society .
25 Caterling was a lethal swordsman in the time of Richard III , a protector of the Royal Forests who was renowned for his evil grin , a grin that became even broader when he was despatching a poacher with his trusty sword .
26 Alcuin [ q.v. ] says that Offa shed much blood to secure Ecgfrith 's position , and if this refers to a purge of the royal kindred may explain why Cenwulf was so distant a relative .
27 As we walked away to a coffee-shop in the Royal Mile , Meehan said , ‘ That 's the first court in my life I 've been turned away from . ’
28 He was invited by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother to give a recital for the Royal Family at Windsor Castle .
29 He was followed by Dr James Leonard Joyce , a specialist at the Royal Berkshire Hospital .
30 ‘ Well , ’ Sapt informed us , ‘ I 've arranged a dance at the royal palace this evening , for the Princess . ’
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