Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] a particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of the judges , Lord Chief Justice Lawton , then inquired whether this meant that the Attorney General was entitled to consider the political trouble which would be caused by a decision to enforce a particular law .
2 They are usually " top down " decisions taken by nurses at district or unit level which , in terms of the workforce , may be about deciding how many nurses it is possible to " squeeze out of a budget or how to negotiate around a budget to obtain a particular number of nurses .
3 We will discuss how the model works by considering how one might go about producing a sentence to describe a particular event , the event taking place in Figure 14 .
4 The way a scientist views a particular aspect of the world will be guided by a paradigm in which he is working .
5 ‘ But he has a system now whereby he selects a side to suit a particular game .
6 Any elicitation procedure is itself subject to a degree of variation in terms of how successfully it stimulates a child to make a particular response .
7 As has been implied , the motivation of the regionalist novelists was often extra-literary , the novel being used as a vehicle to draw a particular situation to the eyes of the world , to influence public opinion and , thereby , to bring about social change .
8 Basically what we 're doing is to count during training how often a sub-pattern a tuple has a particular state has a particular pattern .
9 Thus , for instance , if a business has a particular customer with whom it will do a lot of business , it might be appropriate to negotiate special terms for all contracts between the business and that customer .
10 For example , if a package contains a particular module , regardless of version , then its manager is informed of all SPRs and SSRs which are submitted and which reference the module .
11 As we saw in Chapter III , that a person does a particular job , lives in a particular town or is a vegetarian is usually regarded as a contingent fact about them .
12 If we know a water has a particular site of , of origin then we can often use minor trace constituents as a marker of that water to follow its fate and its path through the ocean , okay ?
13 A head develops a particular structure in the light of the decisions which have to be made and the people he/she believes should be involved in making them .
14 Nevertheless , in some cases at least , an argument from lack of expertise might well support a refusal by a court to hear a particular dispute .
15 Teaching a creature to perform a particular sequence of actions similar to human behaviour does not imply that its mind is then working like that of humans .
16 ‘ Consumers do not confuse the availability of good physical facilities with good quality ; such facilities may tempt a consumer to choose a particular shop , but it is the quality of the staff which will determine whether the consumer will buy or return a second time . ’
17 In other words , only when speaker 1 had heard speaker 2 pronounce a variable using a particular variant , would speaker 1 know that speaker 2 favoured that particular variant .
18 Note that there is no significant relationship between whether a subject recalled a particular junction and whether they had known it previously , r(phi)=0.022 , df=1064 .
19 To say that a man frequents a particular address has no defamatory meaning to ordinary readers — unless they know that the address is a brothel .
20 This is what seems to have happened in the late Victorian music hall , when a style evoking a particular class subject — the ‘ remade ’ working class described by the historian Gareth Stedman Jones ( 1974 ) — is crossed with political elements — the ideology of imperialism — resulting in a relatively unified mode of ‘ popular imperialism ’ within this song category .
21 When children are encouraged to thread beads on a lace to match a particular pattern and then repeat it to the end of the lace , there is development of the idea of sequence .
22 I find it difficult to conceive of a situation where it would be a proper exercise of the jurisdiction to make an order positively requiring a doctor to adopt a particular course of treatment in relation to a child , unless the doctor himself or herself were asking the court to make such an order .
23 A researcher reports a particular result , and to verify it other scientists repeat the same experiment in their own labs .
24 ‘ Purposive sampling ’ occurs when a researcher chooses a particular group or place to study because it is known to be of the type that is wanted .
25 What the outside world sees as a minister promoting a particular project is probably the end of a long process in which different groups of civil servants within the department have argued about the case for that venture as opposed to other ventures .
26 The picture in our feature was supplied to us by a manufacturer to illustrate a particular cot set and was not intended as a recommendation of how to put a baby down to sleep .
27 Of course , it was perfectly possible for a nurse to undertake a particular task for all clients and not be competent , with possibly disastrous consequences .
28 Moreover , Hahnemann discovered that if a patient needed a particular remedy he or she tended to be very sensitive to it — much more so than someone for whom it was not indicated .
29 Skill implies idiosyncratic performance and as such can transfer between many tasks whereas a task meets a particular requirement within a system activity .
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