Example sentences of "and began [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Pulling them from under some old blankets , she sat down on the bed and began to leaf through the pages : photographs fell out , battered , uncherished , not stuck-in — this was no lovingly tended relic .
2 As his boss turned away and began to stride down the corridor , Dexter noticed a wary look slither into Pargeter 's eyes .
3 That wo n't give anything away , ’ cajoled Deana , and it was at that moment that an open-topped , low-slung dark red sports car purred to an impatient halt directly in front of the foyer 's big glass doors and the unmistakable silhouette of Tom Russell sprang with athletic grace from behind the wheel and began to stride across the cement footpath towards the entrance .
4 He clenched his teeth , pulled back his shoulders and began to stride up the road .
5 When the others returned , bringing the extra equipment , he took a field radio , stepped outside and began to transmit to the Hercules that was still circling around above them somewhere .
6 ‘ Well , that cuts them out of my book , unless , of course , they 're entertaining , witty , rich , and — ’ Here he turned and began to march from the room , saying , ‘ have the sense to appreciate my worth . ’
7 Coleby grunted and began to move towards the door .
8 He and a friend separated from the others and began to move towards the car .
9 Caught between no less than three armies the Chaos hordes faltered and began to charge in every direction , bewildered and confused by this new turn of events .
10 Lucenzo moved away and began to complain to the catering manager , breaking into the man 's spirited singing of an Italian opera .
11 Then he took out a book from his desk and began to search for a name .
12 Anna turned , saw me waving , and began to amble through the line of cars with her nose n the air , looking entirely unconcerned about her own and everyone else 's safety .
13 He rose and began to dance round the room .
14 She started the engine without waiting for an answer and began to drive along the track winding down the mountain .
15 He pulled on his shoes , rose and began to jog along the road in the direction the car had taken .
16 Another player came out of the wood and began to jog across the Paddock .
17 I felt revolted by them and began to sleep in the hall , dragging a pillow and a wool blanket off the bed and leaving the room to them , in the hope that they would understand my anger , that they would no longer stay till the early hours of the morning , stepping over me as I lay asleep , leaving overflowing ashtrays and empty glasses and cans and bottles strewn about the floor .
18 Her frantic anxiety gave Marie extra strength : it was only her brute force that dragged the drum back when it skidded off the path and began to slither over the grass down towards the channel .
19 The CEGB drew no line between science and politics , and began to act as a lobby , using science as a political weapon .
20 When the power rear doors opened , the men moved out to the left and right of their vehicles , into their battle positions , and began to shoot at the enemy .
21 Harry had worked as tirelessly as his sister for the last few days ; now he sank down on to a stool beside his cannon out of sheer weakness , and began to weep at the thought of the wasted powder and the wasted water resulting from this misfortune .
22 The girls tumbled out and began to teeter up the path towards the field .
23 She reached into the Mini and lifted out her bag and began to rummage for a pen and paper .
24 Pushing himself with indolent grace away from the door , Rourke came into the room and began to rummage about the shelves beneath the counter .
25 The Butcher grunted and began to rummage in a metal box .
26 Their dominance outside the Americas grew into a world supremacy which reached a climax at the beginning of the first world war and began to crumble before the end of the second .
27 Suddenly , he stood upright , held out his hands like paws , then bunched up the tails of his huge brown coat in front of his stomach to convey an impression of the kangaroo 's pouch , and began to bounce about the room .
28 He walked over to a polished mahogany cabinet which appeared to house the stereo unit , and began to flick through a collection of LPs .
29 More men appeared in the street and began to converge on the courtyard .
30 Behind him , the lift shuddered and began to descend to the ground floor .
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