Example sentences of "and put it in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Put in as many as the bottle will hold conveniently , and put it in a warm sunny place for 12 hours , and keep warm for the next 12 , then remove the spikes .
2 Nevertheless the constructive work of Communists in the Blitz and the war factories kept the Party alive and put it in a good position to exploit the opportunities for expansion that followed Hitler 's invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 .
3 He could take the redundancy money and put it in a separate account !
4 Put layer after layer of washed , fresh runner beans and plenty of salt in a large-necked earthenware container , cover the neck with a cloth and put it in a cool , dark place .
5 He then removed the window and put it in the new hole and started to fill in the gap at the sides with cement .
6 You simply bite on one , take it back to the warren and put it in the great burrow .
7 In the chip shop we bought some fish out the fryer and put in the top and straight away got them bloody tongs picked it up and poured the bloody grease off it and put it in the bloody bag thought it was terrible .
8 Get a forklift and put it in the bloody garden see .
9 She took an old carpet , filled it with soil and put it in the front room , where Annie and her brother spent the day .
10 If it is a real big son , great , we stuff it and put it in the front room .
11 And when he 'd finished and been weighed again and she 'd changed his diaper and put it in the special container to go away for the chemical analysis — And a nasty old job that must be to do !
12 I took the cheque , folded it and put it in the back pocket of my jeans .
13 But they did get her another chair , and put it in the old chair 's place .
14 Look at it and then erm measured it I did I d and then I redid this one and put it in the same scale ,
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