Example sentences of "and i [modal v] give [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Just le lea you 're leading them home so let them pick a bit of grass and then you go on into the yard and I 'll give them the breakfast , they have their breakfast and while they 're eating their breakfast you 're doing your horse and you get finished and then you go and have yours .
2 Maybe we 'll come across a friendly native with a forked stick going in the right direction and I 'll give him the big-screen smile and hand it over .
3 Now , come into the workshop and I 'll give you the boots I want delivered . ’
4 ‘ Pop over in an hour , ’ said Joe , ‘ and I 'll give you the wallet .
5 And I 'll give you the old name for it .
6 Yeah erm you give you give you give me the money now and I 'll give you the elephant later it 's just round the corner .
7 You get scratching those heads and I 'll give you the answer in three minutes from now .
8 Ask me again in a couple of months , Fran , and I 'll give you the answer then . ’
9 Ages is n't it I thought I 'd tidy up in his desk and I was just going through the mound of papers , and I said here you are here 's your licence , finish it off , fill it in , and I 'll give you the cheque .
10 what did the Catholic policeman say , give me a boy until he 's seven and I 'll give you the man
11 He said I ca n't I 'm here on my own , he said get a cab and I 'll give you the money back , so anyway I rung Pauline 's husband up Steve and he said I 'll take you , I said to Steve I 've got ta get there for one o'clock cos I said I really do feel that if I do n't see him before he goes I ai n't gon na bloody see him , he was ever so good , he were here at twenty to one , got straight in the car put his foot down , went to the General and just as I got in the door Steve do n't worry about me parking , go , I 'll find you , just get in there , I ran through the bloody doors , ran up the stairs cos I knew
12 and so , that 'll be great , thanks very much indeed for doing that and I 'll give you the gift vouchers next week
13 By the way the lot of seemed to be played in Hertfordshire these days , and one of the great days is at Harpenden and that 's on September the first on Sunday , when they have their annual single-wicket competition , and that 's a great local event and it 's bound to encourage all the young cricketers in the neighbourhood , they 're trying to make up for the lack of cricket in schools , so well done Harpenden and that is on Sunday next , er , er , first of September and I 'll give you the time in a minute if I can find it , when it is , it does n't say , but it 's probably all day at the Harpenden club , well done Harpenden encouraging young people to play cricket , Sunday first September .
14 And I 'll give you the ingredients for a week of activity .
15 My contract said very clearly that I had to have complete control of the making of the film , so I asked Darryl Zanuck if he would please replace me and I would give him the necessary time to find someone else .
16 I 've put it into the bank and I shall give you the money .
17 That 's what it is Martin , confirmation really of what er Mick said to you in that interview , Steve , Tommy two , three but playing at central defence , Dean 'll be the skipper playing in midfield , Michael at the heart of the defence , Phil in midfield , Paul wears seven but will play up front , er Mark at eight in midfield , wears nine , well that 's a bit of nonsense is n't i in terms of numbering , cos he 's gon na play at left back not at centre forward , Gary is ten , Tony eleven , then on the bench , really good to see David and Rod , Bob 's there as well along with er Paul and that 's er possibly a a first chance for the youngster there , and Michael who has been bloodied already but er a little bit of experience in and er the youngsters , and as I say again it 's really good to see and in the number and er I 'm still practising and I shall give you the Pisa team when you return to the er rather sodden Lane with the spectators all huddled towards the back of the stands to get er extra protection from the er rain that 's being swept a on to the stands and er has obliterated the markings on the pitch .
18 My hon. Friend referred to the north-west of England , and I can give him the figure for Lancashire .
19 before he comes along and er ask er to put me one on and I can give him the money in the bet ,
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