Example sentences of "and settle down [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 New pop had rapidly lost its mischief and settled down into a post-rock , post-teenage maturity , peddling naff fantasies of sophistication to a new generation of moneyed teeny-boppers whose only desire was to grow up as soon as possible .
2 They went back to the drawing room and settled down into the sofa to talk horses .
3 Loretta thanked Tracey , and settled down on the sofa with a new book about Jane Austen .
4 Later , he donned the vast pyjamas , switched on the television for a bit of background and settled down on the bed with the half-bottle of Jim Beam and The Book of Ultimate Truths .
5 I laughed at myself , felt better , and settled down on the window-seat in the sun to enjoy what was left of the afternoon .
6 The monster fell asleep in a drunken stupor and Susa-no-wo then cut it to pieces and settled down with the maiden .
7 I gave it a wide berth and went to sit on the rug , but of course it had gone so I sat on one of the chairs instead , had a good long wash and settled down for a nap .
8 I set the alarm clock for a quarter to midnight , and settled down for a couple of hours sleep .
9 Formalities over , Patricia Pillmoor drew out a chair , pulled off her hat and settled down for a chat .
10 Had there been no — and certainly no just-arrived audience — It would have been utterly lovely to have taken the phone and settled down for a chat , to be inspired and encouraged as always by the love you offer your friends and by your own zest for life physical and things spiritual .
11 Passengers actually changed into their pyjamas and settled down for the night bunks or convertible seat-beds complete with sheets and blankets .
12 After trips to southern Africa and India , he practised briefly as a barrister , married , and settled down to the life of a gentleman , pursuing the two great passions of his life — the study of natural history and of great literature ( French , German , and Spanish , all read in the original languages , as well as English ) .
13 No cattle to worry about tonight he thought and settled down to the job in hand .
14 LGCM survived and settled down in an office in Bethnal Green .
15 We eventually picked a hotel which looked out over the main square and settled down in the bar .
16 She ordered sandwiches and coffee and settled down in the lounge to wait for him .
17 After a few days , the little creature glues its nose on a rock , loses its tail and settles down to a life of sedentary filtration .
18 So he kicks you out and settles down to a nine-months ' bender .
19 There was the evening meal to prepare and Rachel to wash , feed and settle down for the night .
20 It was odd really , Gaily decided , on the way home , odd how easy it had been , how he 'd seemed to fit there without too much trouble , and settle down into a way of talking , and acting without any strain .
21 The second and third weekend I get to the lake just before daybreak armed with a pair of binoculars and settle down for a couple of hours in a spot which gives me a good view of all , or most , of the water .
22 So , get yourself a crate of Dorksteiner lager , a gross of king size Rizlas , and settle down with the Rottweiler for an hour and a half of sub-MTV titillating trivia .
23 So , get yourself a crate of Dorksteiner lager , a gross of king size Rizlas , and settle down with the Rottweiler for an hour and a half of sub-MTV titillating trivia .
24 With curious fitness , fate had it in store for him to marry an heiress and settle down in a castle in Spain — he who had conjured up so many of them in the imagination of junior executives .
25 I suspect the answer lies in the demographic changes of the 1980s , which showed a substantial and unexpected in-migration to Scotland , on the same scale and pattern as the ‘ incomers ’ to Wales who were selling off expensive property in south east England and settling down on the proceeds .
26 Terry was , originally at least , a wing-half who had captured the eye of manager Cyril Spiers , and , after a season ( 1955–56 ) of coming to maturity and settling down to the demands of League football , he put together a run of 214 consecutive League appearances ( 234 with major Cup competitions ) which was a club record at the time and has only once been exceeded by the great John Jackson .
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