Example sentences of "and prepare [pron] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had practiced putting on his kitchen floor at home during the winter to try and prepare himself for the greens .
2 His great-uncle took Charles under his wing and prepared him for the job ahead .
3 They are narrative , and tell us of a situation , or prepare us for some significant message : Once having told us the story , set the mood , and prepared us for the shout of a choir of angels , Handel could paint a triumphant musical fresco with just a few poetic words :
4 It will invigorate you , clearing the night away and preparing you for the day .
5 In terms of er political views , or even those who have no political views , of ethnic make-up and everything of this kind and yet now it seems that at a time when our police forces above all , need to move into the present day and prepare themselves for the challenges of the crime and the criminals at the end of this century and into the next century , we seem to have some misgivings about giving the Home Secretary the powers which are placed in this Bill .
6 They 're on board an air ambulance which has just landed in Ancona , where they 'll meet the evacuees and prepare them for the journey to Britain .
7 A health authority should seek out a group of " mature " female nurses and a group of male nurses who are in training and prepare them for the purpose of dispelling those commonly held misconceptions .
8 It 's also a source of food and sport for Lithuanians who ride and ski in their forests and hunt game and prepare it for the table .
9 The drama school training will only lay the foundations and prepare you for the profession you are joining .
10 A regular beauty treatment , relaxation therapy , yoga class , or even a quick visit to a health farm can be all it takes to repair the week 's damage to body and soul , and prepare you for the week ahead .
11 As part of this exercise we will perform a ‘ practice run ’ with the company 's executives to check the areas where they will be asked questions and to prepare them for the meetings with would be acquirors .
12 Those families in which a parent died from an illness known in advance to be terminal seemed to be better able to respond to the needs of their children , and to prepare them for the loss with information and emotional support .
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