Example sentences of "and throw [pron] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When he reached the table , he wrenched the flowers form their display and threw them into the rows of assembled journalists .
2 At his command all four took off their masks and tracksuit tops and threw them through the windows on to the garage floor .
3 Working frantically and fast Franca dragged her clothes out of the wardrobe , carried them onto the landing and threw them down the stairs .
4 His horse slipped and threw him under the wheels of a cart .
5 ‘ He went to put his hand inside his jacket , then another passenger jumped out of his seat and threw him through the doors .
6 Once again they turned their backs on the God who had brought them out of Egypt , and threw themselves into the arms of another .
7 He picked it up and threw it into the flames .
8 Luke scooped the fish up from Carey 's arms and threw it into the shallows .
9 Instead , he picked up a stone and threw it into the bushes , then made a noise that sounded suspiciously like ‘ shoo , shoo ’ .
10 I chase each of the monks and nuns round the canopy until all have been similarly consumed and thrown themselves over the battlements ; for who can bear to lose face ?
11 The little pulls of wind playing with the leaves were getting stronger now , shaking the petals from the wild roses and throwing them at the diners as if they were confetti .
12 Nona stared at the grey river where the wind was picking up little waves and throwing them against the walls of the river walk .
13 The argument was fuelled exactly a year ago when the League Against Cruel Sports made public a video showing Prince Charles 's favourite hunt , The Quorn , breaking the sport 's strict code of conduct by digging out a fox and throwing it to the hounds .
14 Just pick him up , and throw him into the flames , and I 'll free you from your debt . ’
15 Go round the again car again and throw them to the kids .
16 Let the children be satisfied first ; it is not fair to take the children 's bread and throw it to the dogs ( Mark 7:27 ) .
17 I could have turned a blind eye , but to grab it and to throw it to the hounds I think was absolutely abysmal .
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