Example sentences of "and create [art] [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Act 1991 ( enacted on June 27 , 1991 ) re-enacted the above and , in addition , provided for an extension of the power of seizure in relation to terrorist offences currently held by the police to the armed forces , and created a new offence of bypassing closed border crossing points .
2 Edward Heath disbanded the government and parliament of Northern Ireland in March 1972 and created a new post of secretary of state for Northern Ireland .
3 Yet the symptoms of decline were tangible and created a growing sense of embattlement among middle-ranking landowners .
4 Two major " betrayals " in five years were more than enough and created the permanent attitude of mistrust towards leadership which characterized radicals in the labour movement from then onwards .
5 The campaign crossed class boundaries and created an apparent unity of interest between taxpayers and workers held to ransom by skivers supported by a soft state .
6 Thus did the monastery come to run the valley and to create a classic example of a Pyrenean ‘ pastoral state ’ .
7 The motivation behind the introduction of trust status is the desire to localise management and to create a greater sense of ownership and pride in the service delivered .
8 Parliament approved a bill on June 5 to establish a 25-member Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation , designed to operate until 2001 , which would redress Aboriginal disadvantages and create a greater level of awareness of Aboriginal history and culture .
9 The public rooms are spacious and create a discreet atmosphere of good living .
10 Labour will give people more say in drawing up plans for their area and create a new right of appeal for residents against developments which fly in the face of their local plan .
11 This will give the curtains a larger expanse and create a striking splash of colour .
12 Latvia , in common with other former republics of the now defunct Soviet Union , is looking to the West not only for help but ideas as it tries to rebuild its shattered economy and create a better way of life in a society which has not been used to making decisions for itself .
13 Instead Adenauer supported a ‘ social market ’ economy which would end state controls and create a democratic form of capitalism , based on individual freedom , private property and the free market .
14 A signal device the size and shape of a small jam jar is used to find tumours and create a 3-D picture of them in just minutes .
15 I feel we should look at all towns and villages that have a gas supply , and create a detailed register of estates and streets that do not have gas pipes running through them .
16 We believe that if we could liberate this wealth of talent we would transform our economy and create a shared society of which we should all be proud .
17 We 've now got a good package which saves us nearly eighty thousand pounds and to actually undo all of that and create an awful lot of public disquiet plus a problem with regard to potential redundancy to particular saving that accommodates this as the absolutely completely inane and except for where it came from , I would be gobsmacked if it came tonight .
18 The Pont itself is a fine place to imbibe the water effects , an old stone bridge built at a spot where three cascades come seething down to make one and create an ideal confusion of water , spray and rocks .
19 A scanner , with similar components to those in a fax machine , is used to scan a document and create an electronic image of it .
20 Turbulent Italian passions leave the sedate Edwardians at a loss and create an oppressive sense of melodrama .
21 The mists , the haze , the rain , the sunbeams ( one can almost see the wind at times ) fill the stage and create the ecstatic sense of unity essential for a romantic painter .
22 As Broad and Wade point out , the rhetoric and mythos of science cloud these universal frailties and create the comforting image of linear progression toward truth .
23 Clothes are important — you should wear something which enhances your own self esteem and creates the right kind of impression .
24 This Circular withdrew Circular 10/70 , and reaffirmed the ( Labour ) government 's objectives of ending selection at 11 plus and creating a unified system of secondary education .
25 Hitler and Mussolini manipulated social policy to maintain their power , using social reform as a way of controlling society and creating a totalitarian basis of support .
26 The emphasis has been on establishing laws governing these phenomena and creating a predictive science of social facts .
27 In 1968 the Wilson government 's attempts to reform the House of Lords , taking voting rights away from hereditary peers and creating a nominated group of voting life-peers , fell victim to sabotage from both Left and Right .
28 More recent pieces — like ‘ 976-LOCA : Call Me ’ , which links phone sex ads to the fetishising of Frida Kahlo — put mainstream poets to shame by marrying languages and creating a deft mix of styles and concerns .
29 Newtonian physics at one time seemed to give support to the idea that the universe was ordered and mechanistic and , therefore , divinely made ; Darwinism challenged many of the basic tenets of Christianity , thereby setting science and religion in opposition and creating an important set of dualities — rationality/irrationality , reason/faith — through which we have come to construct science .
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