Example sentences of "and end up [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
2 Flying through the sea breeze front without realising it is a common cause of inadvertently landing downwind and ending up in a hedge .
3 ‘ I 'm not surprised ! ’ the other girl agreed sympathetically , having just heard from Laura the full story of her traumatic outing , which had culminated in her being arrested and ending up in the New York police station .
4 Beautiful cover showing a window opening into the past for this time travel tale about an Oxford student stepping back into the Middle Ages to finish her thesis and ending up in the middle of the plague .
5 Treading Water is a frantic track , powered by pumping bass and chinking rhythm guitar , whereas Harlequin , a possible single , opens with a slab of techno keyboards and ends up with a guitar solo .
6 ‘ And Cawthorne buys loadsashares and ends up with a bum company . ’
7 Question : What starts off life as a salmon , goes to a plaice and ends up with a sole ?
8 It becomes a very resourceful swineherd — multiplies its pigs on forest acorns — and ends up with a lot of triumphant slaughter and roast pork and crackling .
9 She has played Mozart on stage and in her new film Orlando plays someone who starts off as a man in Elizabethan times and ends up as a woman in the present .
10 They feel the fighting is justified because their religion is something worth supporting and fighting for because if everybody just accepted what the other said then no-one would have the right to choose and end up with a dictatorship where one person is saying what they believe in and nobody fights back so everybody would end up having to agree .
11 There are a variety of different ways in which an individual may access the hospital system and end up as an in-patient .
12 But this ruse gives a chance for Nestor and the gallery of small time crooks and pimps to be transported to Devil 's Island , an escape on a raft in a storm and end up at the North Pole for a sequence with a dancing penguin and a polar bear , to give the show a Christmas gloss .
13 A woman spends many years charring in Cremona ; she saves all her money to buy an apartment for her son when he gets married ; her no-good husband , the boy 's father , reappears after years and demands assistance ; she refuses ; when the son is engaged , she relents and negotiates subsidies to her ex-husband , for a suit , a car , a wedding-present ; she organizes a big reception to which she invites all her former employers ; nobody comes except a tennis-star ; there is no sign of the husband ; her lawyer tells her that the girl her son is marrying is her husband 's mistress and that he had already taken over the apartment ; she reflects a moment and decides to carry on with the reception , everything is all right , ‘ if no one notices anything , it is as though nothing has happened ’ ; passers-by are invited to join the wedding-party , which they happily do because the tennis-star is present ; the husband turns up in his new car ; no one takes any notice of him because no one knows who he is , except for the dealer he sometimes does jobs for , who tells him all new cars lose half their value as soon as they are bought and end up on the scrapheap anyway .
14 Be alright , start off with a pen and end up with a pencil .
15 After being seen whizzing out of the doors of a rink , he had to skate at speed along a footpath of the common , round a spiral pedestrian walkway , on to a road , grab the back of a passing bus , let go , cut across a main road between cars coming in both directions , go across another road — between the wheels of a moving articulated lorry — and end up in a babywear shop , somersaulting into a cot .
16 and then he said something about do us cart one and a half cartwheels and end up in a crab or something , and she come flying across the room at me and I felt this foot go shwoo
17 Additionally , all manufactured foods — that is , foods which go through a factory process and end up in a packet , tin or bottle — not only lose their vital vitamins , minerals and trace elements in the manufacturing process but also lose much of their colour , flavour and texture .
18 I 've seen better men than you think they could handle the drink and end up in the gutter with a bottle of the fortified wine . ’
19 Amphibians , crustaceans and fish that live in such conditions have to evolve some method of holding on if they are not to be swept away and end up in the sea .
20 fictitious site of the shooting picnic at which Pickwick drinks too much punch and end up in the pound .
21 Quite how to choose your destination is not clear : You might set out for a holiday in Virgo and end up in the Crab Nebula .
22 ‘ Or you 'll find this time that you will be court-martialled and end up in the gaol you were originally intended for . ’
23 Descriptions of sea water tend , however lavishly written , to blow themselves out and end up in the doldrums .
24 During the Restoration he had regained the lands he had lost when the king was defeated , and ended up as a Vice-Admiral of the Fleet .
25 Last season , United 's Carl Bradshaw was caught in confrontation with Chelsea 's Vinnie at Stamford Bridge by a camera behind the goal and ended up on a disrepute charge , even though the match officials missed the incident .
26 He tried to slap Killion on the shoulder and missed , and ended up on the floor .
27 In January this year those photos of Wyatt with Fergie and her children were conveniently found in an apartment once rented by the Texan and ended up with a newspaper .
28 ‘ Maybe she once fought the Scots and ended up with a bagpipe chanter in a nasty place . ’
29 But they failed to reduce the size sufficiently and ended up with a prototype that could n't record anything — so the engineers used it to play their favourite music cassettes while they worked .
30 Her case suggests the potency of the ‘ self-fulfilling prophecy ’ ; she found maths increasingly difficult and ended up with a grade D A level .
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