Example sentences of "and [adv] returned to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As an instance , carriage doors which were formerly framed up in the body shop and then transferred to the finishing shop for the fixing of the interior lining , afterwards being sent to the polishing shop to be french polished and finally returned to the body shop for fixing in position , were now dealt with by an altogether different method .
2 The flight engineer , who had been at Halton as all apprentice with me and had left and later returned to the Air Force , complained bitterly as I was making all the preparations for take-off , but I ignored him .
3 They drove off to the police station and later returned to the pub with two officers .
4 The cell mate was treated for burns to his hands and later returned to the gaol .
5 Blackberry scrambled up into the fern and then returned to the top of the bank , fidgeting nervously and half-inclined to bolt at nothing .
6 When most of the dancers had set off for home , and Lucy had given Josie reason to assume that she 'd done the same , she sat in one of the empty offices for a while and then returned to the wardrobe department .
7 Having adjusted the heat and thus satisfactorily disposed of the problem of lunch she went to the bathroom for a shower and then returned to the bedroom .
8 Precisely what happened is not clear , as chronicle accounts vary , but is seems that Tany and his men advanced inland some distance , and then returned to the bridge of boats .
9 We went to another department and then returned to the shoe section where a different clerk was able , after 10 minutes , to find the shoes .
10 At the end of the song she rose from the couch and went to the door , hesitated , did not open it , and then returned to the window-seat .
11 He had just nodded his head , and then returned to the talk about the social evening , and how difficult it was to be safe with prawns , and he had wanted to know if Dan and his lady would be coming to the Service 's New Year 's Eve party .
12 After I had the baby I stayed seven days in the hospital and then returned to the house .
13 She took her time choosing the paints , the pad , the brushes , and then returned to the house in a fever of excitement .
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