Example sentences of "and [adv] [adj] aspects [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , there are different levels and degrees of both conformity and dissent , and in a context where prevailing versions of good practice tended to emphasize the visual and organizational , a strategic surface conformity allowed the more subtle and perhaps significant aspects of practice to be retained and underlying attitudes and assumptions to persist .
2 Place ( 1/9 ) lists places both in the usual specific geographical divisions and also other aspects of place .
3 As Nietzsche uses them , however , the names denote not merely this pair of very different Greek deities , but two large , supra-historical , and diametrically opposite aspects of art and existence in general .
4 But the past and its legacy still bulked very large in many ways — in the aristocratic and socially exclusive makeup of both diplomatic services and foreign offices , in their continuing smallness and in their concentration on traditional and narrowly political aspects of policy .
5 It was the deliberate disregard of the more sensuous and immediately appealing aspects of painting , and the temporary dismissal of all human and associational values , combined with the fact that they were working in a conceptual way , relying on memory as much as on visual models , that allowed the Cubists to distort and dislocate figures and objects to a degree hitherto unknown .
6 The rules about compulsory modules and alternative routes for fields individually and in combination , together with rules embodying the experience of admissions tutors , specific teaching constraints , and academically desirable aspects of module programmes in some subjects , are then applied to the assembled data .
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