Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [verb] themselves [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They climbed one wall to get away from the car and waited for their eyes and ears to tune themselves to the darkness .
2 Their leaves , stems and branches orientate themselves to the light , while their roots seek out minerals and water .
3 One hundred and twenty years after Nehemiah and Pericles Greeks and Jews found themselves under the control of Alexander the Great — a Greek-speaking Macedonian who considered himself the heir of the Persian kings .
4 With the slump in building work , the market forces reversed and contractors found themselves in a fiercely competitive market with tenders very keenly priced .
5 Susan told herself that she must keep calm , must n't let nerves and muscles knot themselves into the familiar ache of worry .
6 In their horizontal distribution plants often follow soil patterning ( p. 77 ) , mosses , lichens and angiosperms aligning themselves along the cracks between polygons , with crustose lichens occupying the centres .
7 There is a particularly fine example in the last pas de deux of La Fille Mal Gardée where Lise and Colas weave themselves into an embrace which is so tender , gentle and loving that it arrives at the end of a phrase as the most natural thing in the world .
8 It can and will work , but only if heads and governors involve themselves in a true partnership based on mutual trust , respect and understanding .
9 Tiny natives in their feathered headdresses and skirts besported themselves on the water 's edge , far more ostentatiously than Kit knew them to do .
10 A band played and onlookers waved and cheered as men , women and children wedged themselves into the tub carriages and settled down for a good day out .
11 Bizarrely , the fun is punctuated by impromptu shower shows ( yes , really , the restaurant has two showers installed in telephone boxes ) of waterbabes and boys working themselves into a lather .
12 Here the old men and women deposited themselves about the room .
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