Example sentences of "and [art] ability [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The discussion in this chapter so far has addressed cost reduction in general without trying to distinguish between the ability to become more efficient through productivity increases and the ability to improve the relationship between input and output prices .
2 Agriculture was still a major economic activity in the first postwar decades , and the ability to control the food supply was widely regarded as central to national sovereignty .
3 Despite its recent upgrades to include support for the IBM AT , fast colour monitors and the ability to set the default colours of each accessory window Spotlight lags behind SideKick on friendliness and ease of use .
4 Many people in a management position maybe using P Cs on their desk , I mean those move more and more into the organization as people work with spreadsheet people work with electronic mail and so on and so forth , and the ability to use the P C as their terminal , their window into the accounting application , but secondly they have these tools such as spreadsheets which again are able to directly access the database and the accounting data maintained within it .
5 If Judge Galpin 's interpretation of the Act and the Rules is correct , it drives a coach and horses straight through an enormously important area of child protection within family relationships ; that is to say , the ability to prevent an abduction and the ability to prevent the possibility of an abduction , or to restore a child who has been abducted to the home where the child should be , unless or until the 21 days service or other abbreviated service has been effected , by which time it may be in certain cases far too late for the welfare of the child .
6 Clearly the degree of definition we can go to is only one character , but we have drop down menus we have the ability to move pop up windows and dialog boxes , the ability to scroll horizontally and vertically within those windows , and the ability to emulate the use of a mouse by the use of arrow keys and the numeric keypad on an ordinary character terminal .
7 There were lots of different people to deal with and the ability to gain the confidence of patients was essential .
8 There is no doubt of its instinct for splendour ; the Stewart kings all had a taste for lavish spending , and the ability to find the money to indulge it .
9 Pace and the ability to read the game are , as Walker says , his chief talents .
10 There seems no readiness in our government to listen and learn for argument , no capacity for trust and no ability to face the facts which include the vital issues morale and motivation , ways of running things which you simply ca n't put down to cost accountants , but which is absolutely essential to do with solidarity and caring and so on to make things actually work , and as for economics , whenever econor economy from the Germans , upwards or downwards so to speak , is in trouble the future is clearly frightening is n't it ?
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