Example sentences of "and [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the head " in BNC.

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1 Worriedly judging her moment , and hoping fervently that the other two heard nothing , she slipped out behind the third man , and cracked him over the head with the cutters .
2 I was going to wash the pots I 'll go and smack him round the head
3 Tess bravely made a little cross and put it at the head of the grave one evening , when she could enter the churchyard without being seen .
4 You close the door , take off your glasses because your vision is so distorted , and kick him in the head ; far too softly , then still not hard enough , as he scrabbles round on the floor , one hand at his crotch and the other at his head , making a spitting , wheezing noise .
5 Brown was found guilty after trial of assaulting Mr Kelly , 23 , by punching and kicking him about the head and body , seizing hold of him , stabbing him on the body with a knife and to the danger of his life .
6 Finally he stood and placed it at the head of the mound .
7 ‘ It blew the clock off the wall and hit me on the head . ’
8 ‘ The jet-ski shot out of the water and hit me on the head .
9 James Spencer QC , prosecuting , alleged Mr Nichol approached Mrs Chandler in a field but when she ignored him he pulled her down the bank , sexually assaulted her and hit her on the head with a rock or rocks .
10 One day last October , as a Conservative politician , Alberto Dahik , rose to speak in Congress , a rival congressman launched a heavy glass ashtray across the chamber and hit him on the head .
11 He had waylaid Mr Dwerringhouse and hit him on the head to stun him , but in falling to the ground , the older man had hit his head on a large stone and sustained a fatal blow .
12 I picked up a marrowbone and hit him on the head .
13 One day a big bit of plaster fell off and hit him on the head .
14 The man , who was Bill Sikes , seized Oliver with one strong hand and hit him on the head with the other .
15 Saskia had thrown something at the third and hit it on the head .
16 The boom is the pole running across the bottom of the sail , designed to swing across the boat and hit you on the head when you try to turn .
17 Do n't sink into your shoulders as if one of the chandeliers is about to descend and hit you on the head .
18 He was walking off when I reached out , grabbed him again and slapped him across the head .
19 Used to take them out and shoot them in the head .
20 Another thing she could n't step in , and do it over the head with someone who was supposed to be doing on that March .
21 A red truck drew up beside him , a man got out walked over to Mariano and shot him in the head and chest .
22 Albuin , little knowing he was the king 's son , unsheathed his sword and struck him on the head
23 Then this young punk comes up behind me and hits me on the head with a car-tool .
24 And he gets the spade and hits her on the head with it and he goes , I never want to talk to you again and he kicks her in the head .
25 Security police snatched away members of the 1,000-strong march and beat them about the head with truncheons as the crowd chanted ‘ No violence ’ and ‘ We 're staying here ’ .
26 Short of tripping her up and hitting her over the head , goodness only knew .
27 I was brought rudely back to the real world by Tony 's tripod coming off the top of the pile of clatch ( odds and ends ) piled up above the seat and hitting me on the head as the truck lurched to a halt , diving itself into a drift of deep snow .
28 He smiled , thanked me and patted me on the head before knocking at our door .
29 Selkirk stood , looked down at Corbett and patted him on the head .
30 She laughed and patted him on the head , but he sat up and frowned at her impatiently .
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