Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [prep] the ground " in BNC.

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1 The Immense parasites twining round the trees taking root some of them at the tops of the trees and hanging down to the ground , others surrounding the trees like a crown — heard the bell bird with his incessant ting ting , the coachwhip bird & c. — a heavy shower of rain accompanied by lightning — soon cleared up — every green thing looked more beautiful for its sprinkling . ’
2 For years she 'd built up a protective shell around herself , a barrier against which the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune had bounced and fallen harmlessly to the ground .
3 Gila monsters and beaded lizards are generally nocturnal and hunt mainly on the ground .
4 ‘ What in the devil 's name is that ? ’ he demanded , following her as she crossed quickly to the gate and moved out into the grounds .
5 He passed out , and woke up on the ground having fallen 1800 feet into a fir tree and five feet of snow .
6 The Gulf War , like a knife , cut the string , and the beads are dropping and bouncing around on the ground .
7 As he spoke a dark pool of blood began to gather under the luxuriant mane of Harriet 's auburn hair which had escaped from the loosened snood and spread slowly over the ground .
8 As arranged , the front rank of Covenanters were ordered to be steady , aim , fire and lie down on the ground .
9 The authorities also drafted regulations to circumscribe public activity in Tiananmen Square itself , which included the prohibition of any memorial activity and of " joking and playing , sitting and lying down on the ground " .
10 The billposter attempting to paste the second of his ‘ Cooper and Co 's Teas ’ posters on the hoarding watched the paper slowly curl back from the wall and drop on to the ground .
11 Then we wrapped ourselves in every bit of clothing we could find and lay down on the ground to get some sleep .
12 He says that it 's using plane 's controls in a different way , and flying close to the ground which creates excitement .
13 The day 's attacks resulted in one Wellington being hit and burnt out on the ground at Luqa , while three Beaufighters were damaged .
14 Turning , she rushed to the stairs and started down to the ground floor .
15 I was rescued and brought down to the ground .
16 We bought our tickets and went through into the grounds , sitting down just inside to admire .
17 He started , as he had intended , from where the last interview had left off and went quickly over the ground again .
18 Then he pulled her to him , and kissed her and this time stayed kissing her , and when she did not struggle , he pressed on , and went down to the ground with her and months of longing for her flooded him almost instantly , so that he had no time to swing with her long , cool firmness as he had dreamed of so often , but the instant release in contact with her swept away all his turbulence .
19 Indoors she wore a long black pinafore-like garment , sleeveless and reaching almost to the ground , which she had made from a cotton material used later during the war for black-out curtains and called , I think , sateen .
20 At crucial moments , they froze in mid-stride and stared anxiously at the ground , their radios pressed to their ears .
21 With a tired shrug , he wandered over to the window and stared out at the grounds .
22 Letting out a shriek , she races towards them and thumps down on the ground .
23 A fine trail of dust dislodged from the door frame and drifted slowly to the ground .
24 Although they are so common and live just beneath the ground , very little is seen of them .
25 Once , there had been a superabundance of leaves and spores close to the ground .
26 However , it can not be denied that incompetent side-slipping and sideslipping close to the ground can cause accidents .
27 The part-empty container is then taken off its rack and put back on the ground briefly to allow the hoses to drain back into it .
28 Then he lifted the body so that the blood dribbled over the stones and spilt on to the ground in front of him , where it was littered with the remains of other , older offerings — dead flowers , grains of rice and barley , a few coins .
29 ‘ She was attacked , punched in the stomach and kicked repeatedly on the ground , ’ said a police spokesman .
30 She felt dizzy and slid awkwardly to the ground , leaning her head on her hand .
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