Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [art] wrong [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If someone is unlucky and goes to the wrong festival , the lesson will not open with the words that I have quoted .
2 To them Heathcote does all the wrong things , says all the wrong things , and writes in the wrong way .
3 She was run over by a car travelling at excessive speed and overtaking on the wrong side .
4 He spent the entire morning with his legs crossed , not daring to go to the loo in case one of his colleagues was in there at the same time and came to the wrong conclusion . ’
5 Turn 1.5cm ( ⅝in ) of blind fabric and lining to the wrong side along the top edge .
6 The plane was too far away and going in the wrong direction .
7 Poor seed-beds , dry conditions and spraying at the wrong time or the wrong rate could all explain the appearance of the yield-sapping weed .
8 ‘ Our people made it pretty clear there were enough guns still floating loose from the war and getting into the wrong hands .
9 The German hotelier pointed the club-face the wrong way and swung in the wrong direction .
10 We look like we came to the wrong party — like we brought our adopted son to his friend 's birthday , and called at the wrong address .
11 This was more power for the cause — these people use tea bags and drive on the wrong side of the road , they hang fish on clothes lines and then eat them dry .
12 He argued , ‘ How would we like to be invaded by a foreign fascist dictator and compelled to speak Spanish and drive on the wrong side of the road ? ’
13 This man was the opposite of Beuno , who followed her thoughts with ease , needed no explanations and leapt to no wrong conclusions .
14 NHS hospitals were notorious for getting papers mixed up and cutting off the wrong leg or arm .
15 It is far better to like and admire something that is wrong , or to like and admire for the wrong reason , provided we do so sincerely , than to follow slavishly the dictates or ideas of some other person .
16 He thought of Lucia 's mobile mouth , her often oblique wit , and dreaded that she might start to question , and come to the wrong person 's notice .
17 North called it ‘ a bit of a horror story ’ and , for once , he understated : it went wrong from start to finish , and ended with the wrong missiles , still with their Israeli markings , piled on the ground in Tehran .
18 O'Toole and Finch even attended his funeral but — probably having drunk a little more than they 'd meant to , to ease their grief — they found themselves at the wrong funeral and mourning over the wrong body being buried .
19 Meredith was determined to show him that she could do without arrogant bankers who 'd heard half a story and jumped to the wrong conclusions .
20 The World Bank has too many people costing too much and working in the wrong place .
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