Example sentences of "is [adj] to say [conj] [adj] be " in BNC.

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1 But it is impossible to say whether this was because the partner 's monitoring of management boosted efficiency or because the Morgan association generally indicated a monopoly .
2 Hunsdon himself died in debt , but it is impossible to say whether this was the consequence of high expenses at court or whether he was typical : in the upper reaches of royal service , where conspicuous consumption was demanded , much would depend upon luck .
3 It is fair to say that 1988 was typical year for the House of Lords .
4 It is fair to say that this is probably not a very pleasant experience for the cyclist either , so that ‘ give and take ’ is an essential ingredient of operating such facilities in practice .
5 If that view were correct , it would appear to pre-empt Woolwich 's arguments in favour of a right to repayment arising at common law , though it is fair to say that this was not the position adopted by counsel for the revenue before your Lordships ' House .
6 It is difficult to say whether this was a fertility belief or whether this day was chosen simply because Good Friday was usually a holiday for the old farming community and therefore a convenient occasion for a workman to plant his own garden .
7 However , it is difficult to say if this is desirable from the residents ' point of view , or whether they would prefer to live in a mixed group of people with differing levels of disability ; when asked , most patients express a preference for being with others who do not have behavioural problems .
8 It is enough to say that that is not a proof of the counter proposition that outside the three miles no such result could be looked for .
9 Earl Loreburn stated : I do not assent to the proposition that a voluntary payment can never be charged , but it is enough to say that these were not voluntary payments in any relevant sense .
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