Example sentences of "is [verb] at [art] appropriate [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At Key Stage 2 pupils can also begin to make use of viewdata compilations of simple written sources , provided that the material is presented at an appropriate language level .
2 They fly piston engined aircraft for the most part which are subject , amongst other things , to carburettor icing which will stop an engine in flight even if the ambient temperature is as much as 10°C above freezing unless carburettor heating is selected at the appropriate time .
3 In Part III of Schedule I to the House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 ( disqualifying offices ) there is inserted at the appropriate place — ’ Any member of the Scottish Further Education Funding Council in receipt of remuneration . ’
4 Each case must be considered on its own merits though it is important that action is taken at the appropriate time .
5 The weight percentage retained on the coarsest sieve is plotted at the appropriate grain diameter , the sum of weight percentages retained in the two coarsest sieves is plotted at the next finer mesh , the cumulative contents of the first three sieves at the next finer mesh and so on until the entire sediment has been accounted for at 100% .
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