Example sentences of "it was simply [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 According to Buried Alive , the 1973 biography of the singer by Myra Friedman , Joplin pleaded with Seth to force her to stop taking heroin , but he thought it was simply a play for more attention .
2 ( For some it was simply a road to oblivion . )
3 For , after all , it was not humility that restrained her from believing herself to be at first sight infinitely interesting , for she believed herself to be the equal even of Clelia Denham : it was simply a deference to the law of probability .
4 But then he exploded into life again and it was simply a question of when Carr would go down .
5 In this respect , of course , the Palace was no different from any other house of the period : It was simply a question of scale .
6 And if it was just exhausted , it was simply a question of postponing his own ploughing and resting it up for a day or two until it had regained its appetite and its strength .
7 After Pearl Harbor Rhee felt that it was simply a question of time before Korea regained her independence and he could assume power .
8 The case decides nothing new about exclusion of confessions under section 78 : it was simply a question of whether the judge , having correctly identified the relevant breaches of PACE and Code C , had reached an untenable decision with regard to the exercise of his discretion .
9 Then it was simply a question of following step 1 then 2 then 3 etc .
10 He said all the independent surveys agreed there would be some job losses it was simply a question of how many .
11 For some , it was simply a case of combining the orthodox grammar-school curriculum with the much less precise curriculum of the secondary modern school , and hoping for the best .
12 At first there was no grand plan , it was simply a case of choosing who was around or who had been recommended by her new friends from Vogue .
13 But it was simply a case of ‘ this is what I 've got , I like it and I 'm not going to get rid of it ’ . ’
14 It was simply a case of going , going and then gone for the Information Technology manager as Wimpey Hobbs ’ Alice Richards — a trained first aider — got to work with the razor .
15 It was simply a case of striking a better balance between work and play , and taking more of an interest in the social side of life .
16 Before that it was simply a part of the open fields of Great Bowden , a village a mile or two away .
17 Scandal came easy to him , it was simply a way of life , a way of raising himself above the ordinariness of his upbringing in Fife .
18 Eliot 's writings on poetry do not contain a systematic theory , but on two matters of principle he adopted a stance strongly opposed to that of Richards : he refused to accept either that poetry consisted in the use of emotive language , or that it was simply a vehicle for communicating the author 's experience to the reader .
19 It was simply a conversation in which the group was significant only in so far as any communication requires two or more people to support it .
20 It was simply a profile of someone in office .
21 Detached from its energy source , it was simply a piece of dead metal .
22 This was now ; there was a reason for everything ; it was simply a matter of courage and patience .
23 At the last fence Crisp , though he walloped the gorse into the air , still held a substantial lead , but Red Rum — with twenty-three pounds less on his back — was charging along now , and it was simply a matter of whether Crisp could survive the desperately long run to the winning post .
24 Now it was simply a matter of whether the embarrassment of a Foinavon victory could be headed off , but he was thirty lengths in the lead turning away from the Canal Turn and showed no signs of giving up .
25 After that , it was simply a matter of having a strong wind , the sailors climbing up and down the rigging , adjusting the sail to catch every breeze and puff of air while look-outs were posted high above the mast .
26 It was simply a matter of waiting for their visas to be approved .
27 In this regard , the ISS proposals for units and unit credits were consonant with other changes in secondary schools which were being developed at the same time : graded assessment , where the initial belief that it was simply a matter of devising achievement tests soon gave way to much more fundamental re-thinking about allied development work on curriculum content and teaching method ; and also work on profiles/records of achievement .
28 Lilley was blatant about the government 's intention to tax the benefit , saying it was simply a matter of timing and overcoming the practical difficulties involved .
29 It was simply a matter of fitting a noose round his neck . ’
30 If it was simply a matter of the operating system , I 'd have said that it did n't much matter which of the two you chose to go with .
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