Example sentences of "it is true [that] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is true that things have happened above the ground at the Tate , but the Government 's responsibilities for its fabric — the wiring , the structure , the roofs and so on — have been appallingly neglected .
2 It is true that women live longer when more of such caring is undertaken hence there are more women carers in absolute terms — 3.5 million compared to 2.5 million men .
3 If it is true that Britain has lost an empire but not yet found a role , Germany is a country with an identity crisis par excellence .
4 It is true that history records frequent occasions when this has been forgotten and prejudice has shown itself in religious , racial and class distinctions .
5 It is true that Moscow has failed to gain access to military facilities in Iraq , despite some ambiguity over the Soviet status in the port of Umm Qasr .
6 It is true that females predominate in most Latin American populations , but the difference between numbers of males and females in national populations is much smaller than the difference between them in migrant populations .
7 Whilst it is true that disadvantages arise from different aspects of the same dispute being adjudicated upon by different courts , it must be pointed out , on the one hand , that a plaintiff is always entitled to bring his action in its entirety before the courts for the domicile of the defendant and , on the other , that article 22 of the Convention allows the first court seised , in certain circumstances , to hear the case in its entirety provided that there is a connection between the actions brought before the different courts .
8 It is true that geomorphologists have tended to neglect large-scale continental problems but this arises because they have not been prepared to contribute to tectonics and geophysics , which must surely be a prerequisite for an effective and accepted research contribution at the world level .
9 It is true that literacy seems to generate a sense of rigidly structured social order and a consciousness of historical change which is qualitatively different from the loose structural metaphors and the " mythological " view of the past which anthropologists usually encounter in " wild " ( sauvage ) societies .
10 The Whig ministers lost the General Election of 1698 , although it is true that William had not thrown his support wholeheartedly behind them .
11 Together they illustrate that , even if it is true that Conservatism harbours ‘ a distrust of the purely intellectual approach in politics ’ , this in itself is an ideological position with important implications in terms of both the theory and practice of Conservatism , and Honderich concludes that ‘ the commodious proposition that Conservatives only have and only favour factual beliefs which have passed the test of time , are empirical and so on , and hence are untheoretical in various senses … needs to be delivered , if necessary by private contractors , to the rubbish heap of history ’ .
12 Indeed , it is possible to show that there was a marked increase in the number of married children living with parents during the nineteenth century and into the twentieth century in cotton towns — quite the reverse of what one would expect if it is true that industrialization broke up the extended family .
13 Murty , the Assistant Government Agent at Matara , wrote in his annual report for 1902 that ‘ it is true that cattle stealing can be and has been suppressed by drastic measures , such as wholesale convictions , involving both innocent and guilty , and by the application of the lash , but I can not conscientiously recommend this procedure . ’
14 It is true that embalming improves the appearance of a corpse if it is to be viewed by friends and relations .
15 It is true that Merson has been handicapped by an ankle complaint , which has restricted his pre-season training .
16 No one would claim that appearance is everything , but it is true that appearance reveals much about us .
17 It is true that Mary left debts of something between £150,000 and £200,000 .
18 It is true that audiences shrieked with laughter , ultimately sealing Gilbert 's fate as a ‘ talking ’ actor , but that was due to the awful dialogue .
19 It is true that Beccaria seems careful not to offend .
20 It is true that baroque had long been adopted as the style for state capitols in the United States , but the Beaux-Arts style in all its overblown pomposity was to reflect this new sense of greatness .
21 It is true that elephants existed at that time in the extreme south of China , but the fact that Fu Hao 's cup was studded with turquoise points to India as a possible source .
22 If it is true that meaning reduces to use , then surely all mention of " identity " is inappropriate and can only lead to confusion .
23 It is true that people had loyalties to the old counties , many of which were abolished by the Conservatives in 1974 , but people do have regional identities .
24 If it is true that God made us for himself , then without God we are bound to live with an underlying frustration and unhappiness .
25 Even if it is true that God has guided someone into a particular religion , there is no reason why the sociologist can not study the social processes involved in the person 's conversion ; and , conversely , even if it is not true that it was God who was responsible , that does not mean that the sociologist can not study the belief and the ( possibly very considerable ) consequences of that belief for the individual concerned and for society .
26 LAST September Paddy Ashdown dismissively described David Alton the Liberal Democrat MP for Mossley Hill thus : ‘ It is true that David has not played a large national part in the Liberal Democrats since our reform in 1988 . ’
27 It is true that Eliot went through all the ritual gestures with almost perfect precision ; and his impeccably-dressed figure stood out among the rather battered brethren stationed in front of us .
28 Even if it is true that policemen require special protection in the course of their duties because of the proactive roles that we expect them to undertake , it does not follow that the person who assaults them without justification should be marked as having committed what is , in reality , an aggravated form of assault .
29 It is true that Joni interprets and executes his subject in a style derived from Neroccio di Bartolomeo , but he has made his master 's teaching his own and developed it , as is the case with any independent work of art .
30 It is true that Simenon did n't , as he predicted , win the Nobel Prize in 1947 , or indeed in any year .
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