Example sentences of "it is [adv] likely [that] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is thus likely that many ( perhaps most ) villages are relative latecomers to the English landscape .
2 It is nevertheless likely that more middle class women accepted than resisted the experts ' view of their physiology and psychology , though they may also have passed those views through their own filter .
3 Now that the Institution 's policy for the provision of part-time education has been made clear for , say , the next ten years , it is most likely that all new entrants to the profession will be studying for surveying degrees or diplomas and the profession will have finally become a graduate one .
4 However , it is most likely that many expert tasks are also soon to be taken over by machines .
5 Although there are other possible sources , it is most likely that these lines are an echo of Pope 's comments on Martha Blount 's celibacy :
6 d ) The Decision Maker : where decisions take the form of modified re-buys or new task purchasing , it is most likely that senior functional , divisional or general management will take the actual decision to purchase , and choose the supplier , specification and product .
7 It is increasingly likely that many of the lessons learnt at Wharram Percy apply to settlements elsewhere in the country .
8 Third , it is also likely that prior to making an investment the firm would want to be sure that any upsurge in demand and in output is not a temporary phenomenon .
9 However it is also likely that many ‘ wifely ’ tasks such as teamaking and the bosses ' shopping disappear , and that typists gain some protection from sexual harassment as they increasingly become machine operators , tied to work stations .
10 It is also likely that chemical weathering is enhanced in the vicinity of roots where carbon dioxide concentrations are likely to be higher and where the extraction of metal cations is occurring .
11 However , it is also likely that other factors , as yet unrecognised , are important .
12 It is also likely that other effects , in particular the altered -system and its effect on base stacking , contribute to d 3C A induced destabilisation .
13 It is also likely that some very disturbed dementing patients will require specialised nursing care at a day hospital , which can also provide specialist assessment and treatment .
14 It is also likely that some tailoring of the system will be necessary for a different application .
15 It is also likely that this view is a departure from earlier law , in which it is not attested .
16 You may not think that you have a problem , but in a company of even modest size it is statistically likely that some employees will have a drink problem .
17 Over recent years imports and exports have been vested with great political and cultural-ideological significance , and it is very likely that increasing numbers of consumers now register the country of origin of what they are buying , and producers now register the destination of what they are producing , and this knowledge may affect their actions .
18 In practice , the issues may never be put to the test because it is very likely that other parties would succeed in preventing referenda , but it is still enough of a departure for some evangelical DUP activists to have been initially opposed to the change .
19 It is very likely that several attempts will be necessary on the first application , during which time continuing control of the original may be vital .
20 It is hardly likely that this could have been true of the greatest of them , Whittington , because his father had died with his estate encumbered by an outlawry incurred in a plea of debt .
21 The knights were never more than one arm of any fighting force ; and it is hardly likely that any force of knights was ever recruited entirely by ‘ feudal ’ means .
22 It is highly likely that interglacial sea levels are represented by marine terraces or raised beaches , but the levels associated with each interglacial are to some extent in dispute .
23 It is highly likely that one corner , edge or the centre of the object you have just drawn will need to be lined up with a corner , edge or centre of one or more of the objects already on the screen .
24 A survey will be carried out of sewage disposal systems and it is highly likely that major expenditure will be necessary .
25 It is highly likely that special forces — 22nd SAS Regt. , and Special Boat Squadron RM — have been present in the Gulf since an early stage of Operation ‘ Granby ’ .
26 It is highly likely that this agglutinin is fibrinogen ( Gartner et al , 1980 ; Berndt & Phillips , 1981 ) .
27 Near Roman towns , it is highly likely that original churches were founded as mausolea or temples in graveyards outside the Roman settlement proper .
28 Even if we restrict the process to include only lagged values of s and f , it is highly likely that longer lags in s and f will have an effect on their current values .
29 Even less is known about the usefulness of books which are located and borrowed , and it is quite likely that many of the titles thought to have answered a subject enquiry are not in fact found by the reader to be very useful at all .
30 It is quite likely that any new Angel will be ‘ greeted ’ by a resident one , but in a reasonable sized tank with plant cover I doubt there will be any lasting harm done .
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