Example sentences of "it can [be] argue that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They amount to an inducement to encourage employees to accept overseas postings although it can be argued that they do offset the additional costs which may be incurred through unfamiliarity with customs , language and general way of life .
2 They are good educative examples of the search process , but it can be argued that they have little to do with practical intelligence .
3 It can be argued that they also produce an increase in civil service patronage in that senior civil servants generally advise ministers about the appointments , and quite often important chairmanships are awarded to recently retired civil servants .
4 But it can be argued that we should not view rights in this way , and that when their use has adverse effects on third parties , rights should not be treated as signifying a moral entitlement in the right-holder to bring about those effects .
5 It can be argued that we are interested not in transitory variations in income week by week , or year by year , but in normal or permanent income ( Friedman , 1957 ) .
6 It can be argued that it is a citizen 's right to be free to collect information about whatever and whoever he likes and to do it in any way which is not intrusive or injurious .
7 It still represents a cost to the Exchequer and a loss of potential output , but it can be argued that it is not particularly distressing to the people concerned and , for the economy as a whole , it may actually result in a more efficient use of labour : this is because high short-run unemployment may be a reflection of greater mobility of labour between jobs and areas and consequently may result in the labour force being more suitably and productively employed .
8 It can be argued that it has played a significant — one might even say the most significant — role in producing all those patterns and distant harmonies that are being recognized as signalling the onset of the Pacific Age .
9 It can be argued that it is on the strength of these supposed qualities of writing , as identified by Hildyard , Olson and other exponents of the ‘ autonomous ’ model of literacy , that Lyons rests some at least of his more general claims for ‘ differences among languages ’ .
10 Again , as in the previous case , if this aesthetic response is accepted as especially characteristic of women 's moral awareness , it can be argued that it is an important element to incorporate in any full account of the moral .
11 Housing can be a tool of social policy ; in fact it can be argued that it must be , since it is a crucial element in people 's lives and fair access to housing is essential to achieving social justice ( Burke 1981 ) .
12 Marxism has sometimes been regarded as a positivist approach since it can be argued that it sees human behaviour as a reaction to the stimulus of the economic infrastructure .
13 It can be argued that it is the responsibility of the school to develop this essential life skill .
14 It can be argued that he won the election not because of the Tory campaign but in spite of it .
15 For , just as the individual has the moral right not to kill in violation of his own moral principles , a right recognised by law in this country since 1916 , so also it can be argued that he has the right not to be required to contribute through his taxes towards the maintenance of a professional army equipped with weapons of mass destruction to kill on his behalf .
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