Example sentences of "it be reported that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's reported that the price of CD players will shortly tumble as Matsushita market a machine that retails for the low price of £280 — about half the price of the company 's launch model .
2 It is reported that the window blinds had been indecently defaced with coloured chalk .
3 Ransacked by Afghan invaders , it is reported that the University burned for six months after the event .
4 It is reported that the Seiko wordlist , for example , can always be easily identified because it accepts M-O-W-S-E as a correct spelling of the word ‘ mouse ’ !
5 1778 It is reported that the Kirk Yeard of Kilchoman is nearly finished .
6 To take a single example , it is reported that the grandchildren of the first European colonists of North America already had eyelid-shapes tending towards those of the Red Indians , which were better adapted to looking out over vast spaces in bright sunlight .
7 On Aug. 12 it was reported that the air and naval high commands had withdrawn their support for the President , dissociating themselves from the incidents of Aug. 10 .
8 Tennis Courts It was reported that the tennis courts should come into the ownership of the District Council at the beginning of July .
9 Tennis Courts It was reported that the tennis courts should come into the ownership of the District Council at the beginning of July .
10 At the end of August an indefinite freeze was placed on the repatriation of foreign companies ' profits and dividends ; however , in September the rules were relaxed to allow transfer of normal profits after 60 days , and in November it was reported that the freeze was to be lifted under pressure from international corporations .
11 At a meeting on 1 April ( Stone , Gretton , Penn , Topham , Vial , Huntingford ) it was reported that the Master of the Horse had declined ‘ as such ’ being president .
12 On Jan. 22 it was reported that the government had ordered a tightening of security at the prison holding Pablo Escobar amid reports that he had been able to continue running his drug cartel through visitors .
13 It was reported that the government had decided to grant another emergency wage increase in order to defuse the growing unrest in the military [ see p. 38526 for August 1991 increase ] .
14 During the campaign it was reported that the government had extended voting rights to virtually anyone , wherever they lived , who claimed to have one Croatian parent or even merely an intention of acquiring Croatian citizenship .
15 On Feb. 16 , 1990 , it was reported that the Council of Ministers had earlier in the month made moves to abolish martial law regulations enacted originally during the 1958-61 period of Syrian-Egyptian unity [ see pp. 16005 ; 18437-40 ] .
16 On Monday evening it was reported that the man detained the day before had been released without charge .
17 It was reported that the judge specifically ordered that the girl should not be named .
18 June : June 1 : Bessmertnykh and Baker announced in Lisbon agreement in principle on the resolution of disputes about the CFE treaty ; June 5 : President Gorbachev in Oslo accepted the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize and called for active and practical Western support for perestroika and glasnost ; June 11 : it was reported that Soviet-Cuban trade , halted because of Cuba 's hard currency shortage , would be continued on a barter basis ; June 11 : it was reported that the rouble could become domestically convertible on Jan. 1 , 1992 ; June 19-20 : Jacques Delors , President of the European Commission , had two days of talks in Moscow on Soviet-EC co-operation ; June 19 : the last Soviet soldier left Hungary .
19 On Sept. 5 it was reported that the army had imposed a virtual blockade on Casamance , and the following day , Le Monde said that officials of the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) in Geneva were concerned by the authorities ' refusal to allow Red Cross personnel into the area .
20 With a new intensification of the civil war threatening , it was reported that the mediators were to meet again on March 4 .
21 On Nov. 27 it was reported that the US State Department had expressed US willingness to airlift 3,000 UN troops from Belgium , Canada and Egypt once the UN gave approval for their deployment .
22 In mid-November it was reported that the country 's First Deputy Chairman of the Council of State ( Vice-President ) and Minister for the Armed Forces , Col. Iafai Camara , had been placed under house arrest , accused of supplying arms to Senegalese separatists .
23 In September 1989 , it was reported that the Home Secretary had begun a series of private discussions with public officials including the Lord Chancellor , the Lord Chief Justice ( who had hitherto been reluctant to participate in such discussions lest they were seen as prejudicing judicial independence ) and the senior Lord Justice of Appeal .
24 In June 1990 , it was reported that the Home Secretary was seeking a compromise with the judges on the proposals to limit custodial sentences .
25 On April 24 it was reported that the strike was spreading to other parts of Byelorussia .
26 In early March 1989 it was reported that the UK , Italy , Netherlands and Spain had agreed to study costings for a joint army Light Attack Helicopter ( LAH ) project ; a Franco-German joint project had been under way since late 1987 ( see p. 35665 ) .
27 However , it was reported that the UK delegation had raised the possibility of a relaxation of economic sanctions imposed against China after the Tiananmen Square massacre .
28 On July 3 it was reported that the UK government had suspended aid , pending the arrival of a new UK high commissioner in Colombo ( the last one having been declared persona non grata in May — see p. 38193 ) and a review of the human rights situation .
29 During the talks it was reported that the North Korean delegation made it clear to the US team that Kim Jong Il , the 49-year-old son of veteran North Korean President Kim Il Sung , had been given control by his father of the formulation of foreign policy .
30 On Aug 7 , 1990 , it was reported that the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International ( SEMI ) , representing US , Asian and European manufacturers of semiconductors , called on COCOM to relax export controls on its products " in the light of political changes " in eastern Europe
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