Example sentences of "it be agree that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Let it be agreed that the doctrine is anomalous .
2 Usually the grant is paid to the applicant when the work is finished to the satisfaction of the council 's inspector , but sometimes it is agreed that the council will pay for it in instalments .
3 It is agreed that the wife was the chatelaine par excellence . ’
4 If , however , it is agreed that the wife should purchase the husband 's share and interest , and in reality the purchase monies are being provided by the new husband , then if the husband refuses to convey his interest in the house to the wife and the new husband , it is suggested that the wife takes the conveyance/transfer in her sole name as nominee and makes a subsequent conveyance to herself and the new husband .
5 It is agreed that the text of the Memorandum will be finalised by a committee of the Board probably consisting of [ specify names ] .
6 The letter was at pains to stress the parents ' involvement and their rights : ‘ If it is agreed that the Authority should determine the special educational provision for your child … your further rights under the Education Act 1981 will be explained to you . ’
7 In fact , within months of the creation of the CDP in December 1969 it was agreeing that the obtaining of charters was a ‘ legitimate aim ’ .
8 Later that year , it was agreed that the rating and valuation Bill should be opposed .
9 It was agreed that the revision of the treaty would be completed by the year 's end and that it should come into force before the next summit .
10 During the talks it was agreed that the USA would establish a " temporary office " in Hanoi to investigate outstanding MIA cases .
11 Joint US-Vietnamese search missions for MIAs continued throughout 1990 and into 1991 , and in April 1991 , following a visit by Vessey to Hanoi , it was agreed that the USA would establish a " temporary office " in Hanoi to investigate outstanding MIA cases .
12 It was agreed that the choice was between May-June or the autumn .
13 It was agreed that the rehearsal will be at four o'clock and the concert at seven thirty , allowing sufficient time for a picnic in between .
14 It was agreed that the Society would undertake a project to restore the bridge , which has suffered from the ravages of weather and plant growth for a long time .
15 It was agreed that the child should go to the mother and the father paid the £1 per week until the mother married her employer , when the father stopped payments .
16 It was agreed that the Iraqis should fill the bunker with concrete as a cheaper alternative to blowing it up .
17 It was agreed that the core membership will be augmented by experts , as and when necessary , according to the nature of sites being discussed .
18 During negotiations between the EC and the Bush administration , it was agreed that the EC aid was offset by US civil aviation spin-offs from development funded primarily for military and space uses by NASA .
19 It was agreed that the procedures for data entry would be looked at over the next few months , and further discussions would be held in due course .
20 He returned it to the Society and it was agreed that the arrow would be retained from then on as the Papingo Trophy , with each winner adding a gold or silver medal bearing his name and the year of his success .
21 It was agreed that the wife was the chatelaine par excellence .
22 It was agreed that the union should be involved in discussions over redundancy policy .
23 But during consultations between Darlington officials , Durham County Council and the emergency services , it was agreed that the system should work .
24 But during consultations between Darlington Council , Durham County Council and the emergency services it was agreed that the system should work .
25 It was agreed that the SAS would carry out a series of raids on these airfields in early July , leaving only a week to prepare for departure .
26 It was agreed that the order should be made , but the local authority proposed a programme of rehabilitation , whereas the guardian ad litem was of the opinion that rehabilitation would not be successful and recommended that the child be placed with long term foster parents .
27 It was agreed that the government 's macro-economic and social policies had been the cause of a de-resourcing of the area greater than any new resources made available , and that a detailed process-accountable strategy of community economic development on community business lines was required , not the present palliative , cosmetic measures .
28 The Provisional IRA named the Andersonstown Co-Operative and two private building construction firms and it was agreed that the work would be in the Provisional-controlled Maynard Estate .
29 Councillors said that the cost of such a project would be prohibitive , but it was agreed that the chairman , Roy Downham , should attend a meeting with the school .
30 The minutes of the SGM held on the 4th May 1990 were read and it was agreed that the chairman sign them as a true record .
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