Example sentences of "it [is] reasonable [to-vb] that [det] " in BNC.

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1 Users often report experiencing the sort of twisted non-Euclidian dimensions associated with the Old Ones , so it 's reasonable to assume that this is how Mait made contact with them , or with whatever race memory remains of them , which amounts to the same thing . ’
2 My basic feeling is that while it is reasonable to ask that that a council , as a council , as a political grouping , may make the decisions about things , it is an absolute nonsense that many , many councils — some of them are worse than others — will not let their professionals speak out on their you know from using their own expertise , their own knowledge , their own experience , and quite often that that debate , the whole debate is gagged by the fact that you 're employees of the council .
3 If all jobs and workers were homogeneous and there were perfect information and perfect mobility of labour , then it is reasonable to suppose that all wages would be equal .
4 Similarly , it is reasonable to suppose that many of the haves will be among the most ruthless of society , and will pass on their inhumane ethic to their children , thereby perpetuating it : is this really the future we wish for our species ?
5 It is reasonable to suppose that this fact is significant , even allowing for the fact that Scaevola is disproportionately well represented in the Digest by cases on the law of succession .
6 It is reasonable to suppose that these language users might ( even accidentally ) hit on new combinations of phrases to produce slightly longer sentences than had hitherto been the rule : sentences , moreover , whose newly-coined significance derived from both the context of their first use and the pre-established significance of their components .
7 Thus , it is reasonable to suppose that these data also reflect the same transitional changes in the relationship between infant mortality and birth order as was hypothesized in connection with maternal age .
8 In view of this it is reasonable to conclude that all experience of physical force is mediated by its prior constitution as a cultural category .
9 It is reasonable to assume that all such figures underestimate the real activities of the elderly .
10 It is reasonable to assume that such changes have significant social and economic effects , yet they have been conspicuously neglected by social scientists .
11 While it can not be compulsory for your child to be involved in Compact it is reasonable to assume that most young people would wish to be involved since Compact supports them in achieving standards of attainment and behaviour that schools are striving to raise .
12 Werking concluded that ‘ It is reasonable to assume that some research may now more satisfactorily come to terms with library use and its relation to bibliographic education ’ .
13 It is reasonable to assume that this is because the stereotype of the educated Jamaican Standard speaker is one that is familiar to children of Caribbean background but is not generally recognised in the white community .
14 However , it may be said to be fairer than the Community Charge in that the tax does , at least , rise with the value of the house and it is reasonable to assume that those living in more expensive houses have higher incomes than those living in less expensive dwellings .
15 A proportion of the X-ray pulsars , which are near relations of the black holes , are members of binaries , and so it is reasonable to expect that some stellar black holes should be bound to a visible star .
16 However , in terms of what they ‘ mean ’ , their use in a specific cultural context , it is reasonable to maintain that some languages pay less explicit attention to abstract formulations .
17 Indirect evidence may also help the historian to examine population variations , because it is reasonable to infer that these caused economic changes , some of which can be measured over wider and more representative areas .
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