Example sentences of "it [be] said that the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Until the consent given at marriage be revoked , how can it be said that the husband in exercising his marital right has assaulted his wife ?
2 The decision has been criticised , it being said that the section of the public to whom publication is in fact made is not a matter of concern .
3 Smelling : It is said that the sense of smell is the most evocative of all , particularly when we are caught unawares .
4 A warm bed and an alarm clock for company often work since it is said that the clock 's ticking sounds like mother 's heartbeat .
5 It is said that the north Norfolk coast is the best place in England to see birds of passage — and to meet well-known bird watchers .
6 Using Kirchhoff 's current law at the noninverting input of this trigger gives so that Hence the output switches over to the opposite saturation state from positive and negative saturation when respectively It is said that the circuit acts as a discriminator .
7 When it is said that the continuation of the sterling area was an ‘ implicit ’ decision ( in sharp contrast to the debates on overseas expenditure ) the point being made is that this continuation was not the result , it would seem , of any debate within the Attlee government .
8 It is said that the Wizard of Arthurian legend was born here .
9 Its anonymous diarist writes : ‘ Disturbing rumours reach me about one of our political figures … it is said that the man , who has a charming wife , has had affairs with five different women …
10 The position we have reached is that when it is said that the sea appears to a viewer to be uniformly blue this is neither a statement about what Reid calls the ‘ visible appearance ’ of the sea , nor straightforwardly a statement about the viewer 's opinion .
11 It is said that the past is another country .
12 Baynton v. Morgan shows , amongst other things , that this last contention may not always be relied on by the lessee ; and accordingly the position of the defendant is not put otherwise than favourably to himself if it is said that the measure of his liability here , that of a lessee after an assignment , is the performance or non-performance of the covenants in question by his assignees when he can not and does not aver any performance by himself .
13 It sounds as if the project has the active backing of Novell Inc , because it is said that the software is being built atop a future release of the DR DOS MS-DOS-compatible operating system .
14 It sounds as if the project has the active backing of Novell Inc , because it is said that the software is being built atop a future release of the DR DOS MS-DOS-compatible operating system .
15 It is said that the vicar fell out with the church when , some years after his children 's deaths , he was denied permission to erect a monument in the churchyard .
16 It is said that the investigation was ordered by a civil servant , not a Minister .
17 Gran Canaria , the third largest of the Canary Islands , is an island of contrasting scenery , with a superb climate all year round , particularly in the south where it is said that the temperature never varies by more than five degrees .
18 It is said that the stench is so appalling that no one can go near them now .
19 It is said that the prison director steals the fuel to warm his own house in Meknes .
20 In one account of the visit , it is said that the Emperor was loathe to allow the doctor to leave China and did so only after Garvine appealed to him on the grounds that he wished to return to Scotland and attend to his aged and ailing father .
21 The fishermen come back with their holds empty ; the islands have neither birds nor guano ; it is said that the strength of the smell of the gases from the millions of tons of decaying fish is such that it can blacken the hull of a passing ship — a phenomenon known as the Callao Painter .
22 Next , it is said that the volume of documents is very large .
23 It is said that the pattern is mentioned in records dating back to the fifth century BC , which is to say that it was known well before the Roman invasion .
24 IT IS said that the marketing and advertising course is now the hardest to enter in the University of Ulster , requiring ‘ A ’ -level grades that would have sent my generation scurrying off with aspirations of entering Oxford or Cambridge and a career in the fast track of the Civil Service .
25 Therefore it is said that the situation on their return would be intolerable and pointless . ’
26 The argument is that section 47 can not stand because it is inconsistent with article 30 of the Treaty , a provision having direct effect which prohibits between member states quantitative restrictions on imports and all measures having equivalent effect ; it is said that the prohibition against Sunday trading in this country has such an effect .
27 It is said that the blood of the dragon flowed out and made the hill-top sterile .
28 It was said that the act had to be directed or aimed at the victim .
29 In a more recent case it was said that the evidence called must be commensurate with the seriousness of the allegations made ( per Butler-Sloss LJ in R v Birmingham CC , ex pP [ 1991 ] 1 WLR 221 ) .
30 It was said that the Kahanamokus were the descendants of Kamehameha the Great , but Duke inherited his name from his father , a Honolulu police captain who was named after the then Duke of Edinburgh following his visit to the Islands in 1869 .
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