Example sentences of "to be send to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Granting a Sunderland council application for him to be sent to the unit , the magistrates at the Family Court hearing in the city said : ‘ It is unfortunate … the nearest placement is at the opposite end of the country . ’
2 Granting a Sunderland council application for him to be sent to the unit , the magistrates at the Family Court hearing in the city said : ‘ It is unfortunate … the nearest placement is at the opposite end of the country . ’
3 Under the New Poor Law practice , unmarried mothers were always more likely to be sent to the workhouse than granted outdoor relief , and once there were left in no doubt of their shameful condition .
4 However , he impressed Sir Clements Markham [ q.v. ] , who selected him to command the SY Morning in 1902 to be sent to the relief of the Discovery expedition of Robert Falcon Scott [ q.v . ] .
5 The NUMBER of test papers required to be sent to the Tutor .
6 He persuaded the government to allow a group of students to be sent to the USA in 1872 , but they were recalled for fear they might become ‘ too gay ( morally loose ) or western ’ ( Wang 1928 : 44 ) , a comment which would not be out of place in more recent times .
7 Copies of the resolutions were to be sent to the society in Odiham , to subscribers to that society 's farriery fund , and to members of the society resident in London .
8 The effect of what is now sections 128 of the Act is that if particulars of such rights are not set out either in the memorandum or articles , or in a resolution or agreement ( a copy of which has to be sent to the Registrar under section 380 ) they must be given in a statement , in the prescribed form , sent to the Registrar within a month of allotment of the shares .
9 These three principles were originally spelt out in the working document with which this initiative was launched ( reproduced in Cmnd. 8616 as appendix 3 ) Each department was required to develop and define a plan which on completion was to be sent to the Treasury and the Management and Personnel Office ( MPO ) .
10 Following this pre-evaluation , it may useful to ask for an inspection copy to be sent to the school for trial .
11 So exposed films will have to be sent to the company 's HQ in Atlanta , Georgia for processing — via a courier air service arranged by Nimslo .
12 A copy of the prescribed Form M11 or M13 ( as the case may be ) is required to be sent to the mortgagee ( r2.59(4) ) .
13 However , Boss 's joy was tempered by the fact that Balla Cove was sold to two Americans earlier this week and is to be sent to the United States to be trained by Ron MacAnally , who prepared the great John Henry .
14 For the past two years , the West Midlands police have been reinvestigating the Birmingham pub bombings , the results are soon to be sent to the crown prosecution service .
15 ‘ Luke had to be sent to the infirmary in Castlebar , ’ the sergeant went on .
16 The tablets she found later and took them to the Social Work Department to be sent to the child .
17 One to George II from the pasha of Tripoli in the 1750s had to be sent to the Netherlands to be translated ; and another from the sultan of Morocco to George III in 1779 was still awaiting translation several months after reaching London .
18 The Safavid Shahs encouraged commerce and built roads , caranvaserais and workshops to produce silk and pottery to be sent to the countries to the west .
19 A report is to be sent to the Stewards of the Jockey Club in London .
20 The material has to be washed and steamed before it 's ready to be sent to the needlework department .
21 The present site is too remote to allow for networking , and plant record information has to be sent to the engraver as print-outs using Messenger Services .
22 Even this was not sufficient however , and before recognition was confirmed large scale maps had to be sent to the US to confirm that other islands , rocks , etc , along the Namibian coast were not under South African control , possibly negating the ‘ separation ’ contention .
23 All Liskeard women and children were to be sent to the moors in case the French again threatened to invade .
24 During the course of the evening a ballot for several excellent prizes was organised with proceeds to be sent to the Frank Holden Defence Fund .
25 The government 's efforts to get a bill through parliament allowing soldiers to be sent to the Gulf in non-combat roles came to nothing .
26 Some disagree with this line of thinking — notably Ichiro Ozawa , the secretary-general of Japan 's ruling party , who has been arguing for Japanese soldiers to be sent to the Gulf in a non-combat role — but they have not had much luck making their case .
27 The Police Complaints Authority will receive a report of the investigation and the subsequent action taken and has the power to require the papers to be sent to the D.P.P. , to recommend that disciplinary charges be brought and as a last resort order these charges to be brought .
28 Mary Brien was ordered to be sent to the Dublin Institution for the Deaf and Dumb for evaluation and to have her story checked , but the defendant was acquitted because the court ruled that the plaintiff could not utter the oath .
29 Each article was laid out on a polythene bag , labelled , ready to be sent to the laboratory .
30 If an SSR responds to an SPR which originated from an external client , then it is the responsibility of the LIFESPAN user who submitted the SPR in LIFESPAN to arrange for a copy of the SSR to be sent to the client .
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