Example sentences of "to [prep] least [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That they have managed to cope with it at all is perhaps some credit to at least a reasonable level of fairness within the system .
2 It will surely lead to at least a one-match FA suspension for the player .
3 Changes in company policy , new products and services , financial results , staff appointments , sponsorship news , factory openings — in fact almost any " happening " or change within your company or organisation will probably merit a release to at least a few papers or radio stations .
4 For all those who think that we are still stuck with a form of schooling that is frustrating to teachers and that fails to deliver a satisfactory start in life to at least a sizeable proportion of its clientele , the question is : Where to tap ?
5 He explored this theme most famously in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism ( 1930 ) and related works , arguing that Calvinistic Protestantism 's individualistic ethos and positive attitude to the accumulation of private wealth provided the key to understanding why capitalism had arisen in the West rather than in Asia where the economic conditions for capitalist development existed to at least an equal extent .
6 It dates back to at least the fifth century BC and is still carried out today at the roadside in parts of Asia .
7 Such reclining figures , clasping either a cornucopia or an urn ( and sometimes both ) , date back to at least the mid-sixteenth century ( for example at the Villa Lante at Bagnaia in Italy ) and were a commonplace in late seventeenth-century Baroque gardens ( for example at Vaux-le-Vicomte , Versailles and Het Loo ) .
8 By the time of the French revolution three main classes of diplomat were generally recognised : the ambassador , with or without the title of " extraordinary " ; the envoy or envoy extraordinary , often with the additional designation of " minister plenipotentiary " ; and the resident , or now more commonly minister resident ( the term " minister " as a somewhat vague diplomatic title went back to at least the mid-sixteenth century ) .
9 For a time , Freames was used for the manufacture of chemicals and later became known as Crystal Fountain Mill , then for the production of shoddy and mattress stuffing up to at least the Second World War .
10 Most ancient silver was extracted from argentiferous ( silver-rich ) lead by cupellation , a process dating back to at least the second millennium BC , which involved oxidising the lead to molten litharge ( lead oxide ) , leaving the relatively unreactive silver as the metal .
11 Each time the oil was replenished to at least the original amount .
12 Rescue excavations are those conducted on sites that are threatened with destruction and should be carried out to at least the same standards as found on research excavations .
13 ‘ For purely practical reasons we do not permit debates in either House to be cited : it would add greatly to the time and expense involved in preparing cases involving the construction of a statute if counsel were expected to read all the debates in Hansard , and it would often be impracticable for counsel to get access to at least the older reports of debates in Select Committees of the House of Commons ; moreover , in a very large proportion of cases such a search , even if practicable , would throw no light on the question before the court .
14 The fragments have a long and complex history since their discovery , dating back to at least the sixteenth century .
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