Example sentences of "to [be] found [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is some discrepancy to be found between the available results however .
2 It 's thought the find is evidence of the first Viking wreck to be found off the British coast .
3 If they find it , it 'll be the first Viking wreck to be found off the British coast .
4 210 In all cases between landlord and tenant , as often as it shall happen that one half year 's rent shall be in arrear , and the landlord or lessor , to whom the same is due , hath right by law to re-enter for the non-payment thereof , such landlord or lessor shall and may , without any formal demand or re-entry , serve a writ in ejectment for the recovery of the demised premises , which service shall stand in the place and stead of a demand and re-entry ; and in case of judgment against the defendant for non-appearance , if it shall be made appear to the court where the said action is depending , by affidavit , or be proved upon the trial in case the defendant appears , that half a year 's rent was due before the said writ was served , and that no sufficient distress was to be found on the demised premises , countervailing the arrears then due , and that the lessor had power to re-enter , then and in every such case the lessor shall recover judgment and execution , in the same manner as if the rent in arrear had been legally demanded , and a re-entry made ; and in case the lessee or his assignee , or other person claiming or deriving under the said lease , shall permit and suffer judgment to be had and recovered on such trial in ejectment , and execution to be executed thereon , without paying the rent and arrears , together with full costs , and without proceeding for relief in equity within six months after such execution executed , then and in such case the said lessee , his assignee , and all other persons claiming and deriving under the said lease , shall be barred and foreclosed from all relief or remedy in law or equity , other than by bringing error for reversal of such judgment , in case the same shall be erroneous , and the said landlord or lessor shall from thenceforth hold the said demised premises discharged from such lease ; provided that nothing herein contained shall extend to bar the right of any mortgagee of such lease , or any part thereof , who shall not be in possession , so as such mortgagee shall and do , within six months after such judgment obtained and execution executed pay all rent in arrear , and all costs and damages sustained by such lessor or person entitled to the remainder or reversion as aforesaid , and perform all the covenants and agreements which , on the part and behalf of the first lessee , are and ought to be performed .
5 There is a similar emphasis to be found on the educational preparation for citizenship in the report of the Speaker 's Commission .
6 The best track , rolling stock and journey times are to be found on the main intercity routes , where timetables and the provision of first class carriages and full catering services are aimed at the needs of the business community .
7 Outside in The Cheese Market at the corner of Castle Street and Blue Boar Row , traders who paid no tolls were always to be found on the same spot each Market Day .
8 It may be that the central significance of modern manifestations of the humanist impulse is to be found at the practical rather than the methodological or theoretical level .
9 The Stock Exchange does not provide a class distribution according to size of holdings , yet the 23 per cent of shareholders who own stock valued at less than £500 are unlikely to be found at the upper end of the income scale .
10 Such theories include the conventional model of evolution , Big-Bang models of the origin of material substance , the concept that life is a by-product of biochemical complexity , that mind and thought are to be found at the physical level of molecules and electromagnetism , and so on .
11 With capital to invest , the cheaper house prices and quietness to be found outside the large urban areas proved attractive to them .
12 In 797 he wrote to the people of Kent lamenting that scarcely any ruler was now to be found of the old stock of kings .
13 Buyers had still to be found for the other two shipyards .
14 In that development there was to be found during the twenty years of his chairmanship no place for industrial democracy such as the admission of self-governing producers ' co-operatives would have admitted .
15 The publicists , popularisers and ideologists were now to be found throughout the western world and wherever there was a local elite attracted by ‘ modernisation ’ .
16 The same ideological pattern is to be found within the imperial , educational and commercial programme for " national efficiency " which from the 1890s , drew in a number of prominent figures from the worlds of politics , business , and " letters " .
17 Modern theorists of power have maintained the principle that the bases of political power are not to be found within the economic sphere — at least not in the economic sphere alone .
18 Some parts of Nottingham [ are ] so very bad as hardly to be surpassed in misery by anything to be found within the entire range of our manufacturing cities .
19 Friction , jealousy and suspicion of all kinds , of course , persisted , but without any doubt , even before American entry into the war , the intimacy and exchanges between the two nations were beginning to exceed the norms to be found within the ordinary run of international partnerships .
20 It differentiates the various purchase types to be found within the industrial situation , and examines the importance to marketers in supplier companies of selling under contract .
21 For , if man is to continue to nourish that vital part of human civilisation , which is the control over the future of life on earth , it is necessary that his definition of morality , good social behaviour , and understanding of right and wrong uses the evidence to be found within the evolutionary story and which he can then enshrine in a viable ‘ god ’ .
22 The purpose of this provision for what were referred to in discussion as ‘ subsidiary authorities ’ was to cater for the needs of composite States such as the United Kingdom , where different systems of law are to be found within the same State .
23 These contrasting strands can be expected to be found within the same minds .
24 The fundamental causes of alcohol abuse are to be found within the social and emotional lives of the individuals , and it is not wise for the counsellor to view alcohol abuse separately from these more basic causes .
25 If , in addition , they could hire for private patients the very expensive facilities in the way of X-ray machines , operating theatres and the like , to be found within the National Health Service , this too made their lives very much easier and in many cases made their private practice a possibility .
26 And that proof , he said , was to be found among the financial records of the newspaper , he had taken nothing away with him .
27 Cordyline australis is likely to be found among the hardy shrubs , and Lobelia cardinals with herbaceous perennials , and sometimes with waterside plants .
28 It was indeed precisely the combination of as much ‘ national ’ pride as was to be found among the greater kingdoms of Europe , with far less material resources on which to base it , which made Scotland so unusual .
29 Viewed now , nearly half a century later , these studies — attractive though they are — seem remarkably dated , for children 's rate of development has increased over the years and we are now more aware of the variety of kinds and degrees of development to be found among the individual boys and girls in one age group .
30 THERE are still bargains to be found among the terraced property and this one on the books of J Trevor & Sons looks to be worthy of closer inspection .
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