Example sentences of "to [be] able [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty will be to find specialists who know enough about the groups concerned to be able to single out the new one .
2 But , until then , I have to be able to sort out the confusion for my clients . ’
3 The law reports , both of this country and of other jurisdictions , contain many statements emphasising the importance of the right , in a democratic society , to be able to criticise freely the conduct of affairs by public authorities .
4 They do not have either the mental or physical equipment to be able to carry out the many complex activities involved in the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
5 It was a relief to be able to put down the suitcase .
6 He slowed as he came to the first of the two rows , leaning across the dashboard in order to be able to see up the slope .
7 Ten years from now I 'm gon na be 52 , and I 'm not going to be able to go down the Hacienda without looking a complete prat .
8 We 've got to be able to set out the implications of the decisions , that may or may not be made , and priorities at a given time .
9 It was good fortune for BR to be able to pick up the 1938 survivors — only retained into the 1980s to bail out the Northern Line from a vast increase in traffic .
10 Judges ought , when they are pre-reading a case , to be able to pick up the skeleton argument , and they ought actually to be able to start with the skeleton argument , which would tell them in very succinct form the background facts and what the points are .
11 The representation is , of course , implicit and we would not expect any child to be able to state explicitly the phrase structure rules and transformations generating the sentences of his language .
12 Well he had to switch on the interior light to be able to fill out the form .
13 The abilities not just to comprehend , to take things into one 's own understanding , and to make something of them , but also to be able to evaluate critically the available theories and traditions , and to be willing and have the mental toughness to take up a stance of one 's own : all these abilities point to an intellectual independence , requiring real academic freedom for their realization .
14 Despite his postscript , in which he condemned free enterprise systems and declared himself an apologist for socialism in Europe , I am pleased to be able to take up the remarks of the hon. Member for Liverpool , West Derby ( Mr. Wareing ) .
15 And now she knew that she would have done anything to be able to roll back the clock .
16 So I ought to be able to work out the difference between them .
17 Benn is too much a product of his comfortable and intensely high-minded background to be able to understand why the common man ( let alone the common politician ) has more vulgar aspirations than plain living and high thinking .
18 We would like to be able to even out the load , by sharing usage where possible .
19 But the institutions of the 1970s were too rigidly set within the competing duopoly ( BBC 1 + BBC2 = ITV ) to be able to meet fully the demands made upon them .
20 Now I am delighted to be able to hand over the spot-light to my three management colleagues on the management team .
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