Example sentences of "in the past few [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the past few months the Executive Committee has been considering most carefully a proposal of the Membership Working Party that in future all teachers , in addition to their membership subscription , should be asked to pay an Affiliation Fee .
2 In the past few months the complaints from my area from my customers that they are disgusted with the service they have received from Sports .
3 In the past few weeks the government has once again blocked an attempt to give disabled people legal protection against discrimination .
4 Yes , I welcome the substantial orders that have been received and I was pleased to see that in the past few days a number of them have come here .
5 Has my right hon. Friend noticed in the past few days the widespread support for our plans to seek better-quality services from councils ?
6 But in the past few years a phoenix has risen from the flames of Lakehurst .
7 In the Past few years a number of small streets have been closed to traffic , and car-parking has been prohibited from the four central reservations in Avenida Arriaga .
8 However , in the past few years a class of antigens has emerged that does not conform to this conventional pathway of antigen presentation .
9 IN THE past few years the laws forbidding the sale of alcohol to teenagers have been weakened , in the sense that they are neither as just nor as realistic as they were .
10 But in the past few years the trend has been in the opposite direction .
11 In the past few years the appeal system has been successfully used to overcome the resistance of reluctant local authorities , and development has tended to proceed on an ad hoc basis with new centres sited where developers can acquire land easily rather than on the basis of any strategic plan .
12 On the other hand , in the past few years the number of students in further education colleges in Wales has increased very considerably .
13 In the past few years the advent of AIDS has introduced a number of parasitic , bacterial and fungal diseases , some previously little known , that have proved to be highly pathogenic in immunocompromised patients .
14 In the past few years the advent of AIDS has introduced a number of parasitic , bacterial and fungal diseases , some previously little known , that have proved to be highly pathogenic in immunocompromised patients .
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