Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] a wide [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , a wide variety of courts administered a wide variety of laws all over western Europe ; and if one asked a man in any part of Europe to whose law he was subject , he might well have answered ‘ to my law ’ — for law was a personal thing , which a man might carry about with him ; it bound him to the courts to which his ancestors had been subject , to the laws of those courts , and gave him the privileges which those courts provided .
2 For example , the well-established tradition of ‘ community studies ’ , which involves a researcher or a team of researchers using a wide variety of methods to study a whole community , has been producing work in both Britain and the USA almost continuously since the 1920s .
3 In Britain and America , there has been a greater variety of attitudes reflecting a wider diversity of theological stances .
4 The indicators of success in a compliance system , however , are vague because compliance itself is a vague and open-ended concept ( ch. 6 ) , and the enforcement agent has to fulfil a variety of roles demanding a wide range of skills and knowledge .
5 Only a handful of sites possessed a wider range of romanized buildings .
6 In the Palaeozoic there were several different groups of agnathans showing a wide variety of morphology of bony dermal armour .
7 Thus in particle terms , a broader band of wavelengths means a wider range of momentum values .
8 However not all generative linguists take such a precise view of grammar , acknowledging the ability of humans to interpret a wide range of ungrammatical sentences .
9 When the performance of jungle-born and laboratory-reared monkeys was compared on a variety of tasks requiring a wide range of cognitive abilities , the wise monkeys were superior in every test .
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