Example sentences of "the past few [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mirth being in decidedly short supply over the past few weeks amidst the myriad financial scandals and news of the ongoing long-gingering of the gay law reform bill , there was no doubt among the many disappointed punters turned away from the full house on opening night that they were still intent on partying on down at Cork 's new lesbian and gay centre , The Other Place .
2 There 's been a lot of concern over the past few months of the rate of increase in unemployment within the Harrogate District and how as a percentage unemployment has increased in the Harrogate District rather than other districts .
3 Thousands of pounds have been raised over the past few months by the local community and by Wirral council colleagues of the boys ' father Bob , who works in the highways and building services department .
4 I advise him and others to be extremely reticent in proceeding to the supposedly automatic system of introducing guillotine motions , especially after our experience of the past few years under the Government .
5 The owners blame acid rain and substantially increased traffic over the past few years for the bridge 's sorry condition .
6 The major British companies have all suffered considerable loses in the past few years with the cancellation of Proxicromil ( Fisons ) , the halting of research on Tiotidine ( ICI ) and questions surrounding other drugs such as Ranitidine ( Glaxo ) .
7 At the same time levels of public expenditure on the railways have been declining steadily over the past few years in the run-up to an expected privatisation and are now well below those of Britain 's Continental neighbours .
8 An investigation undertaken in the past few years by the United Nations found that ‘ … in the majority of reporting agencies , computer staff … have chief responsibility for management policies relating to e-mail communications …
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