Example sentences of "the need for an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Despite such claims , it is hard to avoid the conclusion that in both the USA and the UK , the audio-visual movement rarely came to grips with the need for an elaborated theory going beyond the use of audio-visual materials as decorative additions to the traditional lesson .
2 Given the need for an extensive approach within the limitations noted above , and given that the first stage of the fieldwork demonstrated that heroin users generally confine themselves to specific networks , it was decided to use a ‘ network analysis ’ approach using the technique of snowball sampling , or chain referral ( Fraser and Hawkins 1984 , p. 82 ) .
3 The appalling health of the population , revealed by Boer War recruitment , did much to persuade the Establishment of the need for an extensive programme of social reform to improve the condition of the working class .
4 Wesleyans , along with Primitive Methodists , seemed less concerned with the need for an educated ministry than the Baptists and Congregationalists .
5 To these motives for public intervention in education was added , from the 1860s , a growing belief in the need for an educated work-force if Britain was to outface foreign industrial competition of increasing technological sophistication .
6 It is in this context that a new future role for inner cities finds favour with Robson , who justifies the need for an inner city policy on the potential of the city to become a place of consumption linked with business services : ‘ the role of cities in production is no longer that of access to labour , but of access to information ’ ( p16 ) .
7 He talked of the need for an economic policy as well as a tax policy ; he reintroduced the notion of full employment into Labour 's vocabulary ; and he stressed that workers needed not just rights , but also the opportunity to become wealth producers .
8 In doing so , it rightly emphasizes the need for an economic analysis of decision-making resources .
9 With the advent of such legislation after World War I the creation of a central employers ' association fulfilled the need for an authoritative spokesman to represent employer interests before the legislature .
10 While the first year of occupation was marked by a firm emphasis on the need for liberal democratic reforms to avoid a revival of militarism , by 1947 it seems that the need for an anti-military government was not taken to imply an anti-conservative one .
11 One person has to be responsible for co-ordinating all these different elements and the need for an integrated approach , with one person carrying the overview , was brought home sharply to me during a Youth Conference in Eastbourne in 1983 .
12 Numerous papers have been published over many years identifying the need for an integrated approach to health and social care at the practice level .
13 Paragraph 19.171 states : ’ The need for an integrated approach is illustrated by the ventilation system .
14 There is too a growing appreciation of the need for an international approach to hydrological problems …
15 Stressing the need for an international framework which would promote the sustainable development of the Amazon and respect the sovereign right of each country to make use of its resources , the meeting ended with a commitment by the eight ministers to promote sub-regional integration through the strengthening of TCA institutions , particularly those aimed at reaching agreement on regulations for the commercial navigation of Amazon rivers .
16 The talks , held on 23–30 October in Montreal , produced total agreement on the need for an international authority to administer civil aviation , or , if that was not possible , a regional operators ' conference .
17 The congress adopted resolutions pledging aid for fledgling liberal parties in Eastern Europe and stressed the importance of the refugee problem , the need for an international conference on the Middle East , and self-determination for Western Sahara .
18 As the British moved to create a new regime for their airlines after the war , the outstanding unresolved issue from the Chicago conference remained : the need for an Anglo-American air transport agreement .
19 Although the majority of those who experience breakdown will find a new partner , a temporary period of separation will increase the number of households and it will also feed the need for an additional pool of housing .
20 Quite apart from the individual personal considerations relating to the need for an established religion based on genuine ‘ god worship ’ , there are equally important social ones , of great importance to all the various communities of the world .
21 It is probable that both the authorities and the banking system felt the need for an alternative approach to monetary management , and after wide-ranging discussions between the Bank and financial intermediaries , the arrangements embodied in the document Competition and Credit Control became operative on 16 September 1971 .
22 However , the writer who most explicitly questions the Western cultural tradition and proclaims the need for an alternative way of relating to reality is Julio Cortázar .
23 For Regan , then , the partnership model is too imprecise to be a useful analytical tool ; hence the need for an alternative insight .
24 The need for an alternative input device therefore persists .
25 The collapse of the Second International under the impact of the First World War , which dealt a severe blow to socialist illusions , demonstrated the need for an alternative solution to the workers ' plight .
26 Consigning the Council of Ministers to this dignified but pro forma role created the need for an alternative forum in which to discuss and coordinate policy .
27 In this situation the need for an overall control of book provision needs to be carefully examined .
28 It does not replace the need for an internal audit of a major construction project .
29 Given what is said of the need for an ordinary background , the condition-set is of course not sufficient for an effect in an ordinary sense , where a sufficient condition is precisely one that necessitates the effect .
30 the need for an extra home to be found when the son married ;
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