Example sentences of "the [adv] [adj] signs [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When a church is in her infancy there will be the most visible signs of growth , as with a child .
2 Although many signs were associated with hypoxaemia in infants 3–11 months of age , retractions , grunting , and unresponsiveness seemed to be the most useful signs of hypoxaemia in this age group .
3 The Friend is like the phoenix , yet without the life-giving or self-sacrificing qualities of that mythical creature : Again , ‘ thou consum'st thy self in single life ’ : for Shakespeare images of self-division were always among the most potent signs of disorder .
4 ‘ Obviously the most apparent signs of success ’ , said a supervisor ,
5 Because the awful prospect of extending the Englishman 's permissive habit of ‘ Doing as One Likes ’ to what he called the ‘ playful giant ’ of the working class was one of the most worrying signs of incohesion .
6 Perhaps the most significant aspect of any culture is its language , and there , above all , we encounter the most obvious signs of difference across the disciplines .
7 In the experiments performed on days 6–9 after injecting the larvae , the part of the jejunum with the most severe signs of inflammation was selected for the experiment .
8 Unlike Western governments , which have been careful to avoid giving the appearance of fomenting unrest in eastern Europe , the Norwegian Nobel committee is thought to be ready to try to advance the cause of democracy in a country which has shown only the most rudimentary signs of change .
9 Lying about my family 's social status came easily enough , but there was nothing I could do about the more visible signs of poverty .
10 She cobbled together a rough draft and then rewrote it , trying to remove the more ostentatious signs of plagiarism .
11 Thus , relative to other generations and to other societies , the Japanese certainly feel more prosperous and some of the more outward signs of affluence are widely spread .
12 Whilst some of the more conspicuous signs of domination have diminished over the years , a more indirect but equally pervasive web of relationships has grown up .
13 Poor Harriet , laid out in a drawer in the morgue or being worked on even now by the undertaker to repair the more obvious signs of post-mortem investigation before friends and relatives viewed the body .
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