Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [to-vb] [art] [adj] amount " in BNC.

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1 It 's the legacy of the Irish Football Association 's promotion , whereby fans buying tickets for last night 's Latvia game were given the opportunity to purchase a similar amount for the Republic of Ireland 's visit in November .
2 A letter sent out by Keith Haynes , Chief Executive of the Trust , says : ‘ There will be the opportunity to offer a limited amount of voluntary redundancy to staff . ’
3 Maria made the decision to sacrifice a certain amount of advertising revenue and turn the radio station into a temporary community service , as other stations and television channels were doing , monitoring the situation and providing updates , broadcasting official government warnings and advice to those districts likely to be affected by after-shocks and urging their local listenership to donate blood against a possible depletion of existing supplies .
4 We measured the ability of the oesophagus to clear a given amount of acid ; patients were allowed to swallow during and after acid perfusion .
5 She was told that it was the law to pay the full amount and she must pay it in full , and her answer was that it was the law last year that everyone should pay their own bills , and what happened to them ?
6 And with that she went off to the shop to collect the miserable amount of provisions that were due .
7 Again , this design gives it only vague impressions of light and shade , but it allows the ostracod to collect a phenomenal amount of the illumination available in its dimly lit environment .
8 You can take your endowment loan with you when you move , topping up the policy to cover the extra amount .
9 In Karnataka at least 16 people , mostly Tamils , were reported killed in violent incidents on Dec. 11-13 after the Cauvary [ River ] Water Dispute Tribunal ordered the state to allocate a significant amount of water annually to Tamil Nadu .
10 Perpetual debt is debt in respect of which the issuer has neither the right nor the obligation to repay the principal amount of the debt .
11 This should be of a fine grain size to allow the female to do the small amount of digging necessary to convert her cave into an ideal home for herself and her fry .
12 The success of any navigation is governed by the ability to supply the right amount of water at the right time .
13 And I take the view that the Unity Development Plans for Leeds and Bradford do tend to me to suggest that there is the ability to meet an increasing amount of need in within their own areas and that that should be reflected in a continually reducing er export if I can call it that , to North Yorkshire , and this morning we heard from Cleveland that Cleveland are making gallant efforts to er to er retain their economic er viability by retaining their population .
14 The first task of the designer , therefore , is to fight with the architect and often with the client to obtain the correct amount of space for the functional part of the hotel .
15 How would you deal with the material to gain the maximum amount of taxonomic information , in relation to your existing resources ?
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