Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] at the heart " in BNC.

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1 Hiroyasu Watanabe , the former president of Tokyo Sagawa Kyubin — the regional affiliate at the heart of the Sagawa Kyubin affair — was indicted on March 6 .
2 The division between the private and the public sphere , which was located both in economic development ( the separation of work and home ) and in social ideology , was by the end of the nineteenth century at the heart of moral discourse ; as a corollary , not surprisingly , the development of social purity was to have profound effects between the 1880s and the First World War on the regulation of sexual behaviour .
3 He is perhaps most Spanish in the mystical emotion at the heart of such motets as ‘ Emendemus in melius ’ and ‘ O crux , ave ’ .
4 Opened in 1987 , it is located just outside the old city walls , a short bus ride or 20 minute walk from the Roman Arena at the heart of Verona .
5 DeVore sat at his desk in the tiny room at the heart of the mountain .
6 St Giles 's church , with its portico and tower , is a powerful essay in the Greek revival style and provides the focal point at the heart of Elgin .
7 The sick spider at the heart of the web ?
8 But the tide runs deeper than that , and it is surely at one with the desire to reassert the place of the human figure at the heart of all forms of creative life .
9 Waugh is indeed aware of it , and that is the piercing tragedy at the heart of Brideshead .
10 What is not often recognized is the extent to which this theological sense of perversion as the negative agency at the heart of privation , hence an inverted positivity , survives into the ‘ modern ’ sense of perversion/homosexuality as a profoundly inimical , vitiating lack ( of normality , of truth ) .
11 Having inspected hundreds of buildings of every conceivable age and style , from ancient castle to modern semi , and having supervised the construction , maintenance and preservation of hundreds more , from hi-tech laboratories to family homes , I am struck by the huge difference between the well designed and built , and the badly designed and built , the latter being at the heart of most of the horror stories .
12 At Stourhead Cheere 's figure symbolises the River Stour which was dammed to make the great lake at the heart of the landscape .
13 When he finally lends his voice to the great tune at the heart of the Barber ( i.e. the oboe-led andante ) it is with an unmistakable sense of humility .
14 The results , however , also confirmed the continuing regionalism at the heart of South Korean politics , with the DLP making no headway in the opposition-dominated south-west of the country .
15 In The Form of Living he charts the sacramental understanding at the heart of the Mass , as a whole way of life and perceived growth in consciousness ; his Meditations on the Passion engage with different stages of such growth and , indeed , are designed to act as catalysts for its progress .
16 Religions as sociological entities are not meant to be more than stepping-stones to an appreciation of the profound Mystery at the heart of reality .
17 In short , Lawrence finds ecstasy not in heterosexuality per se but its radical perversion , and he does so by reactivating the perverse dynamic at the heart of desire .
18 Of course , you will have to have what P. D. James called the mysterious death at the heart of your story .
19 The big city at the heart of England , that 's Birmingham , a lively centre surrounded by lovely countryside and historic towns and villages .
20 Easthope concedes , ‘ Spoken performance of pentameter is accordingly open to variation in a way accentual verse is not ’ , and this points to the massive lacuna at the heart of his book .
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