Example sentences of "to mark the [adj] anniversary [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The statement accused President Mugabe 's Zimbabwe African National Union government of using riot police last week to suppress a student seminar to mark the first anniversary of an anti-corruption demonstration .
2 During a demonstration to mark the first anniversary of the group 's move to its new location , 300 people , including over 160 police officers , were injured in battles between 1,400 police and at least 7,000 demonstrators .
3 Top : Mother and son of ‘ disappeared ’ Pineda Henestrosa , in Mexico ; bottom : Prayer in Santiago Atitlan in Guatemala to mark the first anniversary of the massacre of 15 Tzutuhil Indians
4 Sharif was also one of the main organizers of a rally held on Aug. 17 , 1989 , in Islamabad to mark the first anniversary of Zia 's death .
5 Celebrations on Oct. 3 to mark the first anniversary of unification were marred by about 50 attacks on immigrants throughout the country , in which at least 25 people were injured .
6 A rally called for Oct. 11 by the Moslem Brotherhood and Hamas to mark the first anniversary of the killing of at least 17 Arabs at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem [ see p. 37873 ] was also banned . )
7 In a speech to mark the first anniversary of the overthrow of former President Mohammed Siyad Barre , on Jan. 26 , Farah Aydid stated his readiness for a truce , but reiterated his implacable opposition both to Mahdi Mohammed and to the idea of an international peacekeeping force , which he said would serve only to protect the " self-appointed " interim President from the Somali people .
8 Almost eighty people have been killed in a toy factory fire in China and site workers from Middlebrook Mushrooms marched through Selby to mark the first anniversary of their dispute .
9 In a letter to the council , Stuart McHardy of the campaign wrote that stones from all over Scotland and other parts of the world would be formed into a cairn on 10 April to mark the first anniversary of the Vigil for a Scottish Parliament on Regent Road .
10 In an address on Jan. 10 to mark the 24th anniversary of his accession to power ( on Jan. 13 , 1967 ) , President Gnassingbe Eyadema announced a political amnesty and a change in the financing of the ruling Rally of the Togolese People ( RPT ) , the country 's sole legal party .
11 The game is a dual purpose testimonial for the 50-year-old Eusebio and the first of two games to mark the 25th anniversary of United 's European Cup victory over the Portuguese club .
12 Halstead Rotaract treasurer Emma Samms said : ‘ We thought we would do something different to mark the 25th anniversary of Rotaract . ’
13 In a keynote speech given on April 19 , 1989 , to mark the 25th anniversary of the European Space Agency ( ESA ) , the West German Chancellor , Helmut Kohl , emphasizing the peaceful mandate of the ESA , offered the prospect of sending European satellites into space to monitor compliance with international arms control agreements .
14 On March 18 , 1989 , Ben Ali ordered the release of over 1,500 prisoners to mark the 33rd anniversary of independence .
15 Minor clashes between police and demonstrators occurred on June 2 during a protest rally by some 20,000 people , organized by the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Democracy in China to mark the second anniversary of the June 1989 massacre of pro-democracy activists in Tiananmen Square , Beijing [ see pp. 36720-22 ] .
16 SEVERAL thousand hard-liners demonstrated yesterday outside the Russian parliament building to mark the second anniversary of the August 1991 coup and demand the resignation of President Boris Yeltsin .
17 TO MARK the 70th anniversary of the discovery of Tutankhamun 's Tomb , the Egyptians are opening the site for just this month and January .
18 On Feb. 2 a mass rally was held in Tallinn ( the Estonian capital ) to mark the 70th anniversary of the Tartu peace treaty , whereby Soviet Russia had recognized Estonia 's independence .
19 SEVENTY years after the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun , people are now able to come ‘ face to face ’ with the king 's mummy in a fascinating new exhibition now open in Dorchester to mark the 70th Anniversary of the discovery of the young pharaoh 's tomb .
20 And , again like the students , it has issued an official list of permitted slogans , ordering citizens to memorise 40 different chants to mark the 40th anniversary of communist rule .
22 To mark the 40th anniversary of Her Majesty The Queen 's accession to the throne , the BBC is to screen a unique TV portrait .
23 Bill received the medal to mark the 40th anniversary of the ending of the second world war .
24 The Chinese authorities organized low-key celebrations on May 23 to mark the 40th anniversary of the " liberation " of Tibet .
25 Although the medal was minted to mark the 40th anniversary of the end of the war , it received virtually no publicity .
26 The Mayor of Sedgefield , assisted by pupils of Hardwick and Rectory Row primary schools , planted a Norwegian maple to mark the 40th anniversary of the Queen 's accession to the throne .
27 Stewart McConnel and Paul Carnahan are hatching plans for a reunion in the summer to mark the fifth anniversary of your departure !
28 At a conference in The Hague , the Netherlands , on June 18-19 , 1990 , over 120 new European research projects were launched to mark the fifth anniversary of the Eureka programme .
29 Music treat : The trustees of Sir William Turner 's Hospital at Kirkleatham , near Redcar , have organised a short season of concerts to mark the 300th anniversary of the local knight starting tomorrow at 2pm with a performance by Marske Band .
30 The official council for the co-ordination of Islamic publicity organized a demonstration on Nov. 4 to mark the 12th anniversary of the occupation of the United States embassy in Tehran .
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